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⛔️ DEPRECATED This component is being deprecated. Use @advanced-rest-client/electron instead.


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This library is deprecated. Use @advanced-rest-client/electron instead.

This library originally was created for Advanced REST Client application. It is shared under Apache 2.0 license.

A library to manage OAuth2 identities. It runs in the main process of the electron application and listens to the events on main IPC to start the OAuth flow.


npm i @advanced-rest-client/electron-oauth2

In your main class:

import { Oauth2Identity } from '@advanced-rest-client/electron-oauth2';

Requesting token from the renderer process:

const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron');

const config = {
  interactive: true,
  type: 'implicit',
  scopes: ['email', 'profile'],
  clientId: 'client-id',
  authorizationUri: '',
  redirectUri: '',
  state: 'RANDOM',

try {
  const tokenInfo = await ipcRenderer.invoke('oauth2-launchwebflow', config);
} catch (cause) {

ARC events

This module contains a class for the renderer process that handles events defined in @advanced-rest-client/arc-events. Use them in the web application (in the renderer process) to request for the token.

In the preload script

import { Oauth2Identity } from '@advanced-rest-client/electron-oauth2/renderer/OAuth2Handler.js';
process.once('loaded', () => {
  const oauthBridge = new Oauth2Identity();

Anywhere in the renderer process

import { AuthorizationEvents } from '@advanced-rest-client/arc-events';

try {
  const tokenInfo = await AuthorizationEvents.OAuth2.authorize(document.body, { ...config });
} catch (e) {
  // ...

TokenInfo object

The token info object returned by the authorization flow. Contains OAuth2 properties returned by the OAuth server with camel case representation of each property.


String. Token value.


String. Token type. This parameter is required by OAuth 2 spec to be returned by the server.


String. The state parameter returned by the server. When client don't specify state parameter the library adds its own generated state. The response is checked for the state and error is reported if the state do not match.


Number. Returned by the server expires_in parameter. Number of seconds when token expires. If not received by the server it assumes 3600 seconds. When this happens the expiresAssumed is set on the token info object.


Number. Timestamp when the token expires. It is based on expiresIn property. If the authorization server did not returned expiresIn property it assumes 3600 seconds (1 hour). Because this time is computed after the response is recorded it may be different from what server recorded +- few seconds.


Array of strings. This parameter is optional if the list of granted scopes is identical to requested scopes. Otherwise it's required.

Interactive flag

OAuth flow with interactive option set to false allows to quietly request for the token from the cache or form the authorization server without notifying the user (without bringing the authorization pop-up).

This is to be used to check if valid session exists for current user and update the UI accordingly.

Note, when interactive is false the oauth-2-token-ready is dispatched even if session do not exists. In this case tokenInfo has different structure:

  "interactive": false,
  "code": "not_authorized",
  "state": "request state parameter value"

Grant types configuration

OAuth 2 specification defined 4 basic OAuth flows and allows to extend the spec by using custom grants. This section describe parameters for each flow.

Each flow recognizes two sets of parameters. It doesn't matter which one is used or if it's mixed. The reason is described in Application wide OAuth configuration.


type is always implicit.

clientId is OAuth provided client id.

authorizationUri is OAuth provider authorization pop-up URI.

redirectUri is configured redirect URI for client. This is usually configurable by the user in provider's settings.

scopes Is a list of scopes to authorize.

state If not set it's auto generated. The library checks for the state parameter and reports error when state do not match.

interactive See Interactive flag description.

includeGrantedScopes When true, it adds include_granted_scopes parameter to the authorization URI. This is not standard OAuth2 parameter. Google authorization server uses it to include previously granted OAuth scopes for this OAuth client in the new authorization granted OAuth scopes.

loginHint Set to an email value of recognized user. This is not standard OAuth2 parameter. Google authorization server uses it to render consent screen for the user without asking to select the user if the user has more than one identity.

  "type": "implicit",
  "clientId": "String, required",
  "authorizationUri": "String, required",
  "redirectUri": "String, optional",
  "scopes": "Array<String>, optional",
  "state": "String, optional",
  "interactive": "Boolean, optional",
  "includeGrantedScopes": "Boolean, optional",
  "loginHint": "String, optional"


type is always authorization_code.

clientId is OAuth configuration provided client id.

clientSecret is OAuth configuration provided client secret.

authorizationUri is OAuth configuration provider authorization pop-up URI.

accessTokenUri is OAuth configuration provider code exchange URI.

redirectUri is configured redirect URI for client. This is usually configurable by the user in provider's settings.

scopes Is a list of scopes to authorize.

state If not set it's auto generated. The library checks for the state parameter and reports error when state do not match.

interactive See Interactive flag description.

includeGrantedScopes When true, it adds include_granted_scopes parameter to the authorization URI. This is not standard OAuth2 parameter. Google authorization server uses it to include previously granted OAuth scopes for this OAuth client in the new authorization granted OAuth scopes.

loginHint Set to an email value of recognized user. This is not standard OAuth2 parameter. Google authorization server uses it to render consent screen for the user without asking to select the user if the user has more than one identity.

  "type": "authorization_code",
  "clientId": "String, required",
  "clientSecret": "String, optional",
  "authorizationUri": "String, required",
  "accessTokenUri": "String, required",
  "redirectUri": "String, optional",
  "scopes": "Array<String>, optional",
  "state": "String, optional",
  "interactive": "Boolean, optional",
  "includeGrantedScopes": "Boolean, optional",
  "loginHint": "String, optional"


type is always password.

username User login

password User password

accessTokenUri is OAuth configuration provider code exchange URI.

scopes Is a list of scopes to authorize.

clientId is OAuth configuration provided client id.

interactive See Interactive flag description.

  "type": "password",
  "username": "String, required",
  "password": "String, required",
  "accessTokenUri": "String, required",
  "scopes": "Array<String>, optional",
  "clientId": "String, optional",
  "interactive": "Boolean, optional"

Client credentials

type is always authorization_code.

accessTokenUri is OAuth configuration provider code exchange URI.

scopes Is a list of scopes to authorize.

clientId is OAuth configuration provided client id.

clientSecret is OAuth configuration provided client secret.

interactive See Interactive flag description.

  "type": "client_credentials",
  "accessTokenUri": "String, required",
  "scopes": "Array<String>, optional",
  "clientId": "String, optional",
  "clientSecret": "String, optional",
  "interactive": "Boolean, optional"

Custom grant type

This is combination of all above parameters, none of which is required. The type should be set to the grant type supported by the authorization server.

Custom authorization data

OAuth 2 specification allows to extend the protocol by providing additional data to the pop-up URI or when making a request to the authorization server with the body.

The library allows to do this by setting the customData property on the settings object.

const settings = {
  customData: {
    auth: {
      parameters: Array|undefined
    token: {
      parameters: Array|undefined,
      headers: Array|undefined,
      body: Array|undefined

Each array item is an object with name and value properties.

The auth is applied to the authorization request (implicit and authorization_code grants). The parameters contains the list of parameters to add to the URI.

The token is applied to token request (authorization_code, password, and client_credentials grants). Each property is applied to the corresponding fields.


const settings = {
  customData: {
    token: {
      parameters: [{
        name: 'query param name',
        value: 'query param value'
      headers: [{
        name: 'x-custom-header',
        value: 'header value'
      body: [{
        name: 'body param name',
        value: 'body param value'

Note: body content type is always application/x-www-form-urlencoded. customData.token.body parameters must not be url encoded. The library processes the values.

Application wide OAuth configuration

The main use case of this library to authorize the user in many services at application runtime. However, if your application works with single OAuth 2 provider it is easier to store common configuration in single place and just provide missing data in the settings object.

For this the library support additional method of authorizing the user getAuthToken(). The method reads package.json of the application and uses oauth2 section to use it as settings when creating an instance of auth provider. This settings are always used unless the settings object override the values.

Example configuration

In package.json file:

"oauth2": {
  "response_type": "implicit",
  "client_id": "my-client-id",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "redirect_uri": "",
  "scopes": [

Then in main process:

const {Oauth2Identity} = require('@advanced-rest-client/electron-oauth2');
.then((tokenInfo) => console.log(tokenInfo))
.catch((cause) => console.error(cause));

Or in the renderer process:

const {ipcRenderer} = require('electron');

const requestId = 'Optional id to recognize the request in event based env';
ipcRenderer.send('oauth-2-get-token', {
  interactive: false
}, requestId);
ipcRenderer.on('oauth-2-token-ready', (e, tokenInfo, id) => {
  if (id !== requestId) {
ipcRenderer.on('oauth-2-token-error', (e, cause, id) => {
  if (id !== requestId) {

Parameters in json file can have different notation than in JavaScript file (underscore versus CamelCase). Therefore both configuration syntax are supported by the library.

Handing errors

In the main process use catch() function of the promise returned by any of the functions.

In the renderer process listen to oauth-2-token-error event to handle OAuth error.

The error object contains the following properties:

  "state": "The state request with last call (not returned by the server!)",
  "code": "Application code, eg. user_interrupted",
  "message": "Associated message with the error",
  "interactive": "Boolean. Value of the interactive flag"

Error codes

The error code can be any of standard OAuth 2 error codes returned by the server or

  • no_state - state parameter is missing
  • invalid_state - the state returned by the server is not the same as requested
  • uri_error - token request couldn't be initialized probably due malformed URL
  • user_interrupted - the user closed pop-up window before finishing the flow
  • auth_error - only when interactive flag is set to false. The response wasn't recorded from the server.

Security considerations

Electron applications runs the code on the client side. There's nothing to stop the user from reading application source code. Therefore you should avoid storing client_secret anywhere in the application and to only use implicit or password grant type. Only this methods ensures that your application identity won't be used by unauthorized application.


⛔️ DEPRECATED This component is being deprecated. Use @advanced-rest-client/electron instead.





