Blogging engine that my site runs on. Written in Python 3 and Flask.
- If a post is deleted and then a tag or category has no other posts, delete that tag or category
- Maybe make a maintenance background task using Celery that can clean up our DB
- Check adding translations from post edit
- Add a Tag and Category slug? Okay with spaces in the url?
- Add a preview view for writing posts?
- Add search
- Do similar for category, except under the title?
- Look at Disqus for comments?
- Maybe make the links a little more visible?
- Remove all the logic out of monitoring/templates/ and into scrutiny (to be uploaded into the DB).
- Look at paginating the results of monitoring, it's far too large to display on one page.
- Look at dropping root priviledges in here instead of doing it via the Bash script that starts this?
See requirements.txt
pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o messages.pot mojibake
Then use Poedit to update the translation from the .pot file, or do it from the command line;
To create the translations
pybabel init -i messages.pot -d mojibake/translations -l ja
To update the translations with new text from messages.pot
pybabel update -i messages.pot -d mojibake/translations
To use the translations once translated or pulled down from Git
pybabel compile -d mojibake/translations