avr: Improved USB-CDC write speed (Justin Rajewski)
avr: Improved USB-CDC read code (Paul Brook)
avr: Fixed race condition in USB-CDC transmit (Paul Brook)
avr: Added replacement stub for cstdlib atexit() funciton (Christopher Andrews)
Fixed wrong NULL pointer handling in Stream class (Amulya Kumar Sahoo)
Backported String class from IDE 1.5.x (Matt Jenkins)
Backported Print class from IDE 1.5.x
Backported digitalPinToInterrupt macro from IDE 1.5.x
Added initVariant() hook to allow 3rd party variant-specific initialization
Added replacement stub for cstdlib atexit() function (Christopher Andrews)
Added compatibility for IDE 1.5.x libraries layout
Fix toolchain command line to compile assembler files (Jimmy Hedman)
If two libraries have the same header file use the lib with the same folder name (Paul Stoffregen)
Robot_Control: removed duplicated SPI and Wire (Xun Yang)
Robot_Control: fixed issue on motors being opposite (Xun Yang)
Robot_Control: updated turning algorithm (Xun Yang)
Esplora: added reading form Tinkerkit inputs
SoftwareSerial: Fix idle level when initializing with inverted logic (Jens-Christian Skibakk)
fixed a bunch of examples
Wifishield: fixed paths on firmware upgrade scripts
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