Improved Yun detection for upload via network (Ron Guest)
In platforms.txt "objcopy" recipe is no more tied to the "hex" format (Arnav Gupta)
/dev/cu.* serial ports are now filtered from the port list on MacOSX
Ports in ports list are now grouped by type
Upgraded avr-gcc toolchains to 3.4.5
Fixed: wrong parsing of boards.txt when using submenu and boards id with underscores
Windows: updated bundled JVM to latest 8u31
Windows: JVM memory settings can be customized editing arduino.l4j.ini and arduino_debug.l4j.ini files
"new" button now behaves as "File -> New..." menu: a new window with an empty sketch is created
Windows: opening a lonely sketch caused the IDE to crash. Fixed with a bounty on bountysource @gerito1
Bridge: fixed bug with multiple and failing YunClient.connect calls @sngl
Translations updated
Improved SoftSerial library and optimized its memory usage @matthijskooijman
Fixed: status board was not changing when using custom menu @PaulStoffregen
Fixed: better error message when using a busy serial device
Fixed: missing bool operator on EthernetClient
Fixed: missing bool operator on SoftSerial
MacOSX: back to native file dialogs and buttons, when using experimental version
MacOSX: command line interface now works also with java-latest version
Improved library name matching @PaulStoffregen . Avoids conflicts with libraries that bundle files equally named
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