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Arrays / Strings

1. Merge Sorted Arrays

  • 3 pointer approach: m,n,m+n
  • Start from the last

2. Remove element

  • 2 pointer approach: 0,length
  • if matched, then swap

3. Remove Duplicate

  • Keep track of non-duplicated index
  • Keep putting the unique element in front

4. Remove more than 2 Duplicates

  • Start from 1st index and compare with the current unique val
  • Use a seperate cond to 'set count and assign curr' and a separate cond to 'put values with count<2 at proper index and updating the index'

5. Majority Element

  • Moore's Voting Algorithm. Initialize count and candidate with 0
  • Re-assign the candidate whenever count == 0. If match then count++ else count--.

6. Rotate Array

  • Reverse the entire array
  • Reverse from 0 to k, Reverse from k to nums.length

7. BuySellStock

  • Buy at first day, with initial profit =0
  • Update BP on lesser p[i] and update profit on greater p[i]-BP

8. BuySell Multiple Stocks

  • Buy everyday
  • And only if there is a profit (bp < prices[i]), then sell it and add it to the total profit.

9. JumpGame

  • Start from the second last and keep updating which is the index that you can safely reach. If you can reach 0 then you can return true, otherwise false
  • It means that if (i + nums[i] >= lastGoodIndex) lastGoodIndex = i; // Update the last good index

10. JumpGame MinJumps 🀯

  • Start from 0, and update the i after calculating from a function.
  • The function checks what is the max index you can reach from a given point in 1 single jump and updates the value of i and jumps. No. of function calls is the min no. of jumps.

11. H-Index 🀯

  • Sort Array. Go from start to end.
  • If citations[n-i]<i then break and return

12. O(1) Insert, Remove and Random

  • Create a Map (to store values with their positions) and a list (to get the numbers out). Insert: put(val,pos) , add(val) . Random: list.get(rand.nextInt(list.size()));
  • Delete: pos = dict.get(val) , store lastEl , set(pos,lastEl) , put(lastEl, pos), map.remove(val) and remove last of list.

13. Product Except Self

  • Create new arrays for prefix product and suffix product. pre[i] = pre[i-1] * nums[i-1] ; suf[sz-i-1] = suf[sz-i] * nums[sz-i];
  • And then multiply resp suffix sum to the prefix sum. pre[i] *= suf[i];

14. Gas Station

  • Calculate total gas and total cost. The thing is that if you can go from 2 to 8 and lose at 8. Then try starting from 9 and reaching 2 coz now yk that you can reach from 2 to 8 if you reach 2.
  • total += gas[i] - cost[i]; if(total < 0) {total =0; res = i+1}

15. Candy 😐

15 to 30

16. Trapping Rainwater 😐

17. RomanToInteger

  • Start from last. Switch-Case from I to M. if(num<prev)ans-=num; else ans+=num; prev = num;
  • Because for normal numbers (without 4,9,40,90, etc.) the symbols are always in increasing order from L to R.

18. IntegerToRoman

  • Create a string and keep appending while (num >= 1000) { sb.append('M'); num -= 1000; } for 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1.
  • OR create 3 arrays for storing 0 to 9th value of ones, tens hundreds, and a seperae for ["","M","MM","MMM"]. return ths[num/1000] + hrns[(num%1000)/100] + tens[(num%100)/10] + ones[num%10];

19. Length of last word

  • Start from last, keep going until you find a space, and keep incrementing the count and then return count on finding a space. (Remove the trailing spaces)
  • OR convert the string to array by using .split(" ") and return the length of the string situated at the last index.

20. Length of longest common prefix

  • Assume the first string is completely the prefix, and for each subseq string, until to get an indexOf the prefix, keep updating it by substring(-ing) it to 1 less char.
  • When a match is found, compare the updated new prefix with the next String in the array.

21. Reverse Words in a string

  • Start from last indx. Skip trailing spaces (i, last to spaces). Find the end of the current word (j, i to notSpaces).
  • Add all from j to i as a work in new array and then i = j-1.

22. ZigZag Conversion

  • No real matrix, just imagine one. Go row-wise, for 1st and last row, increment is same as normal incr (, = 2 * (numRows - 1))
  • Else, for rows in middle, keep adding the diagonal elements ( j += (inc - (2 * i)); ) and j+=2*i for the next element of the row with a complete column.

23. Index of first occurence in a string

  • return haystack.indexOf(needle);
  • OR i is no. of elements that we've traversed through the haystack before entering the check process, and j is np. of elements matched. haystack.charAt(i+j)==needle.charAt(j)

24. Text Justification 😐

Two Pointers

25. Valid Palindrome

  • Convert to int and compare the left and right character while low < high. int left = s.charAt(low); 48 is 0 to 9, 65 is a to z, 97 is A to Z.
  • If anything except those 3 conditions, then low++ or high--. Otherwise compare the integer values.

26. Is Subsequence

  • You have to find s in t as subsequence. initialize i&j =0. while(true) do j++ everytime. And do i++ only when characters match.
  • if i==s.length then return true. if j==t.length then return false. Otherwise keep iterting like this.

27. TwoSum - II (Input is sorted array)

  • Start by adding first and last elements. If target is greater, then you need bigger number, so i++.
  • If target is smaller, then you need smaller number, j--. Return when target is found.

28. Container with most water

  • Start from extremes, and at every iteration, calculate minHeight of l and r. Then calculate and update maxArea by using minHeight*(r-l).
  • while(arr[l] <= minHeight) l++ and same for right. Keep going while l<r.

29. Three Sum

  • Sort the array. i=0. while(i<sz) j=i+1 and k=sz-1. while (j<k) if nums[i]+nums[j]+nums[k]==0 then add all of them to hashset.
  • Else if >0 so you need a smaller number then k--. Else (sum<0 and you need a bigger number) then j++ is done.

Sliding Window

30. Minimum Size Subarray Sum

  • Start from a window of length 1 with only the 0th element. Add next element by j++ and sum+=j. Whenever sum exceeds the target, do sum-=nums[i] and i++.
  • Maintain a min that stores the minimum length of subarray by maintaining the value of j-i+1 whenever the target is found. astly just return min.

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31. Longest Substring without repeating characters

  • Create a char to int hashmap of lastseen. Put start =0. Traverse from the 0th index and for each index if lastSeen.contains(s.charAt(i)).
  • Then start = Math.max(start, lastSeen.get(currentChar) + 1); and then update the lastseen by putting s.charAt(i),i. And update maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, i-start+1)

32. Substring with concatenation of all words 😐

33. Minimum Window Substring 😐

Matrix ✨

34. Valiid Sudoku

  • Use 3 n2 loops. One for checking the reptition in rows, one in columns and one in all bloacks internally only by sets logic, and O(1) checking/retriveal/insertion.
  • For rows, use i = 0 to 3, j = 0 to 3, int row = 3 * (block / 3) + i; int col = 3 * (block % 3) + j;

35. Spiral Matrix

  • Initially set top = 0, bottom = m - 1, left = 0, right = n - 1; Then traverse [top][i] from left to right and after that do top--. Then traverse [i][right] from top to bottom and then do right--.
  • Similarly do this for [bottom][i] and [i][left] and also keep doing the full process while ans.size() <= m*n.

36. Rotate Image

  • Transpose the matrix. 0 to n and i to n; matrix[i][j] =matrix[j][i];
  • Reverse each row. 0 to n and 0 to n/2; matrix[i][j] =matrix[i][n-j-1];

37. Set Matrix Zeroes

  • Store all the pairs of indices where you find zeroes, in an arraylist.
  • Now traverse the arraylist and call setRowZero {matr[row][i] = 0;} and setColZero {matr[i][col] = 0;} for the given pair of indices.

38. Game Of Life

  • Create a new matrix of same sizes and call the function on each pair of index, then put the obtained matrix values in the original matrix now.
  • In the function, create 2D array of all i,j values of neightbours (8 values), count the alive neighbours and assign the value according to that and return the value.


39. Ransom Note

  • Store occurences of each character from magazine, in a hashmap.
  • Iterate through the ransomNote and if any character is not found in hashmap, or occurs < 0 then return false , else decrement the occ and at the end, only return true.

40. Isomorphic Strings

  • The isIsomorphic method checks if two strings are isomorphic by comparing their character mappings in both directions, using two HashMaps.
  • If character mappings are consistent for all characters in both strings, it returns true; otherwise, it returns false.


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