Convert JSON schema to forms complete with loaders, serializers, and validators
##The Basic Idea
The basic idea here is that a JSON schema contains enough information to generate a form, serializer, and validator for the record type it is written for.
Furthermore, it is a standard.
For those customizations to a form that we might want to make for which there are no corresponding fields in the JSON schema standard, there is an additional file structure available for defining those values.
##Sample Usage
var schemaStr = fs.readFileSync("mySchema.json","utf8");
var schema = JSON.parse(schemaStr);
var formBuilder = new FormBuilder(schema);
formBuilder.buildForm("#form1", function(err,form)
form.on("submit", function(values)
form.on("cancel", function(values)
alert("Why give up?");
form.on("invalid", function(record, values, errors)
alert("We got issues...");