FocalMechanismPolarityEditor-GUI-SkHASH. Run SkHASH using a GUI, check polarities by plotting beachball with stations and waveforms side-by-side, edit and re-run skhash for improving Fault plane solution quality.
input parameters:
input_params = {
'mech_path': mech_path, # (outfile1) SKHASH results
'alt_mech_path': alt_mech_path, # (outfile2) SKHASH output accepted mechanisms
'pol_path': pol_path, # SKHASH input polarities
'pol_info_path': pol_info_path, # (outfile_pol_info) SKHASH output polarities (same as pol_path with additional info)
'pol_agree_path': pol_agree_path,# (outfile_pol_agree) SKHASH output polarities with agreement
'stn_path': stn_path, # Master station csv (SKHASH format)
'pick_pol_path': pick_pol_path, # phase picks and polarities csv (converted from pyrocko markers, filtered)
'eq_cat_path': eq_cat_path, # Earthquake catalog csv
'mseed_dir': mseed_dir,
'hor_line': True,
'zoom': 2,
'slice_len': 0.5,
'normalize': True,
# beachball plot parameters
'acceptable_sdr': True,
# SKHASH control file parameters
'vmodel_paths': os.path.join(skhash_root_dir, 'examples/velocity_models_MTJ/vz_MTJ.txt'),
'max_agap': 170,
'delmax': 0,
# Rerun SKHASH parameters
'mini_or_ana': 'miniconda3',
'skhash_dir': skhash_root_dir,
'control_file_path': os.path.join(file_dir, 'control_file_app.txt')
How to:
- Create environment with
file, tested on python==3.10, must have packages are numpy, pandas, obspy, pyqt5. - In terminal
. To change the input parameters, change values in theinput_params
in file.
Please cite our paper if you use anything in this project:
Islam, M. A. (2024). arif-geo/FMPE-GUI-SKHASH: FocalMechanism (0.1). Zenodo.
Skoumal, R.J., Hardebeck, J.L., Shearer, P.M. (2024). SKHASH: A Python package for computing earthquake focal mechanisms. Seismological Research Letters, 95(4), 2519-2526.
Hardebeck, J.L., & Shearer, P.M. (2002). A new method for determining first-motion focal mechanisms. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92(6), 2264-2276.
Hardebeck, J.L., & Shearer, P.M. (2003). Using S/P amplitude ratios to constrain the focal mechanisms of small earthquakes. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 93(6), 2434-2444.