Simple Neovim plugin to set a different colorscheme
per filetype.
- Neovim >= 0.8.0
- Styler only works with
that set highlights usingvim.api.nvim_set_hl
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
-- Packer
config = function()
themes = {
markdown = { colorscheme = "gruvbox" },
help = { colorscheme = "catppuccin-mocha", background = "dark" },
After setup, colorschemes will be automatically applied. To manually set a colorscheme for the current buffer, you can for example do:
:Styler tokyonight-storm
To programmatically set the colorscheme for a certain window, you can use:
require("styler").set_theme(0, {
colorscheme = "elflord",
background = "dark"
if you see flickering when a theme is loaded, that's because the colorscheme does
:hi clear
without checking ifvim.g.colors_name
is set. You should open an issue or a PR for the colorscheme to fix it.