This package computes the multipoles of redshift space bispectrum. There are four files
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- Additional "pk.dat" provides matter power spectrum calculated using CLASSS code.
Download the package in the directory of your choice and import "".
It is the master file. To compute any multipole user need to >> import "" as ml . Then, any multipole can be computed using the following form ml.multipole(l,m,k_1, mu,t,beta_1,b_1,gamma_2) The details of each argument can be found in ref[1].
"" imports the other mentioned files.
It computes the R,S,T terms as described in ref[1].
It sets the cosmological parameters. It
interpolates the externally provided matter power spectrum, P(k), [pk.dat]
and it can extrapolate the value of P(k) at any redshift z assuming
It provides the expression of second-order standard
perturbation theory (SPT) kernels as F and G in terms of
It is a data file generated by Boltzmann code CLASS which provides the matter power spectrum. The cosmological parameters used to generate "pk.dat" were set as per Planck's 2015 results[2].
-Written by Somnath Bharadwaj, Debanjan Sarkar, Arindam Mazumdar
[1] Mazumdar, Arindam and Bharadwaj, Somnath and Sarkar, Debanjan, Quantifying the Redshift Space Distortion of the Bispectrum II: Induced Non-Gaussianity at Second Order Perturbation
[2] Planck paper: