I love working on projects that involve [Briefly describe your interests, e.g., web development, data science, etc.].
- 🔭 I’m currently working on [Anime-Main]
- 🌱 I’m currently learning [React.js , CyberSecurity]
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on [Company_Website] -
- 💬 Ask me about [NetWork,Linux,Programming Python , Html , Css]
- 📫 How to reach me: [Your Email or Contact Information]
- ⚡ Fun fact: [A fun fact about yourself] ## 🛠%EF%B8%8F Technologies & Tools Here are some of the technologies and tools I work with:
- Programming Languages: [Html , Css , JavaScript, Python, Java]
- Frameworks: [e.g., Flask, Node.js, Django] -
- Databases: [e.g., MySQL,]
- Tools: [e.g., Git, Docker, VS Code]
- Personal Website/Blog
📄 My Resume You can view my resume here.
--- Thank you for visiting my profile! Feel free to check out my repositories and reach out if you’d like to connect or collaborate!