A set of tools on top of PyAVD to process AVD configurations with python.
Install with pip inside a virtual environment:
$> python -m venv .venv
$> source .venv/bin/activate
$> pip install pyavd==<pyavd version> pyavd-cli
$> pyavd-build -i inventory.yml -f FABRIC -v
It "builds" EOS cli configs from AVD config. Similar to the process done by an ansible playbook that invokes the AVD roles eos_designs and eos_cli_config_gen.
It uses ansible Inventory Manager to read the AVD inventory so ansible features work out of the box. It supports inline jinja templates and custom interface description/ip addressing via python modules.
$> pyavd-build --help
usage: pyavd-build [-h] -i INVENTORY_PATH [-o CONFIG_OUTPUT_PATH] [--avd-facts-path AVD_FACTS_PATH] -f
FABRIC_GROUP_NAME [-l LIMIT] [-m MAX_WORKERS] [--strict] [--vault-id [VAULT_ID ...]] [-v]
Build AVD fabric.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to the inventory file.
Path to the output directory.
--avd-facts-path AVD_FACTS_PATH
If provided AVD facts will be written to this path.
Name of the fabric group.
-l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
Limit filter for inventory.
-m MAX_WORKERS, --max-workers MAX_WORKERS
Maximum number of parallel workers.
--strict Use strict mode and fail if there is validation errors
--vault-id [VAULT_ID ...]
Vault ID used to decrypt the inventory. Multiple vault IDs can be provided.
-v, --verbose