Implementation of driver drowsiness detection with EfficientNetB7 in TensorFlow Keras and OpenCV.
- Install the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Arguments which you change as desired:
- Image size
- Training batch size
- Maximum epochs
- Test data ratio
- Haarcascade XMLs saved in folder prediction_images - For face: haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml - For eye: haarcascade_eye.xml
Run the to train the model with the below command:
- python .\ --Image_size 145 --Batch_size_train 20 --maximum_epochs 200 --Test_size_ratio 0.15
- Run the to test the model saved as drowsiness_newB7.h5
You can change the image and the conditions to check for drowsiness as required. This is just a basic application with more updates coming in the future.
@inproceedings{tan2019efficientnet, title={Efficientnet: Rethinking model scaling for convolutional neural networks}, author={Tan, Mingxing and Le, Quoc}, booktitle={International conference on machine learning}, pages={6105--6114}, year={2019}, organization={PMLR} }