Modality 1.1
This is a maintenance release.
- several fexes in reverse enginer
- added mariadb driver
- fix potential NPE when instance doesn't belong to any entity
- fix concurrency problem with transactions when using several models
- added typed evaluation methods in AttributeHolder and derived classes
- added convenience method EntityReference.insert(Map)
- fix Velosurf entityref.insert method
- use generated keys for mysql
- fix persisted instances behavior for multi columns primary keys
- allow postgresql begin/end blocks in transactions
- avoid an NPE when trying to fetch on a table without primary key
- let user change logger name via configuration key
- consider parenthesis level in statements parsing
- add minimalistic templating feature on attributes query
- add camel_to_snake identifiers filter
- allow nested transactions
- allow primary keys to be defined by config (i.e. for views)
- implement postgresql COPY table FROM STDIN handling
- add warnnig messages for failed conversions in TypeUtils
- add more generic iterator utils methods
- fix SQL comments handling