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Code review and style guidelines for the Arkly projects

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Code review and Code style

Aim of this document

The goal of this document is to bring a cycle of pull-requests -- code-review -- merging into the Arkly API code-base. And begin to add this to our other production repositories.

Another goal is to codify this for our other languages, be that JavaScript, Golang, Mendix, or anything else.

First we'll iterate on the thinking here, try it out, and when input is incorporated, and it makes sense, we'll try and standardize it.

Iteration isn't described explicitly below, but it is important that we will strike a balance between pragmatism and perfection, and learning from each cycle we do this.

Style guidelines in Docusaurus

The assumption is that we will build on these guidelines and add them to a more general set of developer documentation. An example layout in Docusaurus may look as follows.

└── coding-style
    ├── mendix
    │   └──
    ├── python
    │   └──
    └── react

Code-style: Python and Python repositories

Comments and docstrings

  • Maximum 72 characters line-length. This is an old teletype standard but it works well for seeing information quickly when scrolling through the code.
  • Docstrings should have a title unless they are only sentence long. They can encapsulate as much information as is needed to convey what they do.
  • Docstrings will not list parameter or return types explicitly as they evolve with the code and are more likely to change as function signatures and return values change, as such, Python's type-hints should be preferred.

Example docstrings:

def my_longer_function_docstring(sentence: str, count: int) -> str:
  """Concatenates a string with an integer because at some point I am
  going to log it to stderr.
def my_shorter_function_docstring(accumulative_value: int, new_value: int) -> int:
  """Adds two integers together."""

A note about markdown

Markdown artifacts support the code-base. Where we are writing literal markdown for example, or other guides, we should also follow helpful standards.

  • Maximum 79 characters line-length, Diffs reveal more information with greater number of lines, and it also means less information appearing in a diff that hasn't changed.
  • Reference style hyperlinks when links or line-lengths cannot be split.

Example reference link:

More information can be found [here][more-info-1]

[more-info-1]: http;//

In-line comments

Code should be self-describing. That is, through a number of different approaches described below, and clean-coding principles, comments should be minimal. That being said in-line comments may still communicate something important to the reader that isn't already in a docstring, or described by the variable name. Communication is discussed below, and comments are an important part of that.

Tips for determining if a comment is still required:

  • The comment isn't a clue that a separate smaller and specific function should be created for what it is describing, and would therefore benefit from the function signature and docstring.
  • The comment isn't repeating something that should be explicit in variable naming, e.g. describing what the variable means, instead of the reader being able to infer that from the variable name.
  • The comment isn't redundant if the lines immediately following it are not explicit enough in what they are doing, e.g. we may use a third-party library that is overly abstracted and difficult to understand without commenting what we do.
  • The comment isn't dead-code, e.g. old code being preserved, or trial code that isn't used.
  • The comment isn't taking the place of logging.
  • The comment isn't a TODO, below.

Ultimately, comments are a communication artifact, and that means a lot as we communicate with our future selves. They won't be viewed badly.

In-line TODOs

TODOs in production code should be avoided at all costs. A TODO should prompt the creation of a new issue in the code repository, or in a Kanban board such as Trello. A TODOworth documenting should be explicit to the project team, i.e. not just those looking at code, and planned alongside the rest of the work on the code-base. A TODO may also be surfaced in a pull-request, this way it can be discussed as part of the same body of work.


Logging should be configured consistently across a product family's code-base unless there is a specific need for another specific style of logging for a specific product.

A suggested configuration for Python logging is as follows:

import logging
import time

# Set up consistent logging.
    format="%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)s :: %(filename)s:%(lineno)s:%(funcName)s() :: %(message)s",  # noqa: E501
    datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",

# Format logging using UTC time.
logging.Formatter.converter = time.gmtime

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

This logger does the following:

  • Provides a log time in UTC. This is consistent wherever the application is run.
  • Provides detail on the log-level, e.g. INFO, WARNING, ERROR.
  • Shares with the user the name of the source-code file where the log message is output.
  • The line number in the source code.
  • The function name where the log message is output.
  • The user controlled message.
  • Uses double colons as delineation if the message needs to be filtered in other ways using standard Linux tooling.

Example output looks as follows:

1970-01-01 00:01:55 ERROR :: :: summing '1' + '"1"' failed: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

For more information on Python's logging see:

Lower-case messages

Log messages should start lower-case. If they start to run into more than one sentence, consider if the message is too complex, or if the function is modular enough. Additional separators, e.g. :: in the case above can be added for more complex lines, e.g. greater summary detail.


If the error artefact is available, then make sure to include it in the log message, e.g.

def sum(a: int, b: str):
      a + b
   except TypeError as err:
      logger.error("summing '%s' + '\"%s\"' failed: %s", a, b, err)

Communicating with users

Always keep in mind that logging is another communication with your users.

Your users might include support colleagues, devops, external users, external support, and yourself. This means that logging should be professional, and meaningful.

Ned Batchelder provides some useful tips about this: here

As you make use of the application logs consider if they can be used for what they are intended for, or if key information is missing that would otherwise help an individual to debug a problem from the logs alone.


Make sure that secrets are NEVER exposed through logging, e.g. when successfully decrypting a value provided by another user.

Comments and communication

Empathy driven development is a new development strategy promoting communication:

Empathy driven development is a human centered approach to building software that uses continuous communication to generate trust and resilience.

It is placed alongside four other initiatives, all of which are important in one way or another to this project:

Methodology Item of focus Goal Descriptive Process
Responsibility-driven design Object Improve encapsulation in object oriented systems. What actions is this object responsible for? What information does this object share?
Test-driven development Test Reduce the risk of bugs and ship features faster. Red, Green, Refactor.
Domain-driven design Domain model Use the language of the domain in the code-base. Bounded contexts. Ubiquitous language.
Behavior-driven development Scenario Make acceptance tests executable and easy to execute. As a, I want, so that. Given, when, then.
Empathy-driven development Communication Improve levels of trust and resilience in software systems. Care, calm, consider, connect.

If we consider all code eventually become legacy, we understand that we are communicating with empathy for each other, today; and we are communicating to an audience in the future, be that developers, project-managers, marketeers, or other maintainers.

Our approach toward comments can push us toward empathy-driven design. It places an importance on communication artifacts, some of which are:

  • Comments and docstrings.
  • Pull-requests.
  • Commit messages.
  • READMEs and documentation.

We shall try to use all of these artifacts in our projects to ensure that information does not escape us, and is visible to all the folks that need to see it.

Tips for communication outside of code

We have many audiences. Even in the early days of a project, we have the developers, and then we have those selling or marketing the code. Those audiences shrink and grow over time with diminishing or increasing relevance, or greater push and pull.

Communication for developers in the core of our code-base (code, commits, PRs) will often be low-entropy, including lots of acronyms and shortcuts to describe why we're doing something. Communication outside of GitHub may quickly become, and indeed, benefit from becoming high-entropy (documentation, issues and feature requests) using greater but more plain-language detail, less acronyms, and more explicitly explaining benefits and disadvantages and costs.

Variables and variable naming

  • Variables: snake_case this is not explicitly idiomatic, but it is a de-facto standard for Python. It can also read better for more explicit variable naming.
  • Explicit naming conventions, i.e. no single value variables i may become idx, x and y may become graph_x, graph_y etc. Names should be self-describing.
  • Classes: Capitalized, CamelCase.


Type-hinting provides more explicit, dynamic, and actionable, documentation for Python projects. They were introduced in Python 3.5 and continue to evolve.

Type-hinting should be used in function signatures to signal their intention.

Type-hints can be validated by tools like mypy and a configuration is being developed that is optimized for our development environment, and pragmatic, i.e. not too strict, and not too soft.

Follow the happy path

The happy-path, or my rendering - keeping code left-aligned should be followed where possible.

Example non-happy path (trivial):

def some_function(authenticated: bool) -> dict:
   """A brief example."""
   if authenticated:
      info = read_user_information()
      # -> potentially do a lot with the information ...
      return info
      return {"info": "not authenticated"}

Example happy-path (trivial):

def some_function(authenticated: bool) -> int:
   """A brief example."""
   if not authenticated:
      return {"info": "not authenticated"}
   # We're authenticated: the happy path means less indenting and
   # less use of else/elif constructs.
   info = read_user_information()
   # -> do as much as we want with the information ...
   return info

The happy path becomes apparent quickly with a bit of practice. Tips to avoid:

  • avoid else-returns,
  • return early from code,
  • split code into smaller functions keeps code readable, and left-aligned.
  • Use EAFP (Easy to Ask Forgiveness than Permission) style coding (more below).

More on the happy path: Mat Ryer @

EAFP (Easy to ask forgiveness than permission)

EAFP style coding is less defensive than other styles. Python's approach to try-except lends itself well to this.

Some more information about EAFP here: EAFP at Geeks for Geeks.

The primary difference is greater use of try ... except vs. if ... then do ... else ... then do....

Example: ask permission:

def some_function(data: dict) -> str:
   """A brief example."""
   if "value" in data:
      return data["value"]
   return ""

Example: Ask forgiveness:

def some_function(data: dict) -> str:
   """A brief example."""
      return data["value"]
   except KeyError as err:"value isn't in the data yet")
   return ""

We begin to see the happy-path appear better through EAFP in less trivial examples. One benefit we see in this example is that we become more explicit and more deliberate about our error handling,


Code commits are important communication artifacts. They communicate a lot to the person maintaining this code in five-years time. They are usually made up of a title and a body.

  • Title: 50 characteers max.
  • Title style: imperative mode of the form (If applied, this commit will ) Add vcrpy to the test coverage.
  • Body: 72 characters line-length.

Small or trivial commits need only use a title (50 chars max), e.g. git commit -m "add your message here" style.

NB. If GNU's nano is configured as your default Git commit editor, it can help to set the following in /home/<user>/.nanorc to see the column count:

set constantshow

Configuration of other editors to show column count will vary. If .nanorc doesn't currently exist on your machine it can be created with just the configuration above.

See Chris Beam's blog-post for more on commit messages: How to write a Git Commit Message and their Seven rules for good commit messages.

Functionally, individual commits should work, but more importantly, they must specific, i.e. solve one problem, not many.

E.g. When working on a feature, you may come across spelling errors that need fixing. These shouldn't be in numerous small commits. Rather, make them your first or last change, and make them a single commit. As developers it requires more strategic thinking when writing code, but it makes finding issues in commits later easier, and is a bit easier to code-review, especially that of a trusted contributor.

E.g. Refactoring is always tempting. We don't discuss refactoring here, but with good unit testing, it is something to be encouraged if something is found while writing features. A commit, refactoring a small portion of the code, should be kept separate from the problem solving part of the issue being looked at, for example, and should be well communicated in the commit and pull-request.

NB. Practically, when refactoring, if a unit-test doesn't exist for something, the unit test should be created and committed first - then a second commit that represents the changes from refactoring.

Configuring run-times and "failing fast"

When configuring an application or service to run, it can be tempting to help the user as much as possible, possibly, even correcting something that doesn't work.

E.g. an application needs an environment variable to be configured to run. The user forgets to configure this, so code is written to prompt the user and offer to create the variable for them. We've created an input for the user, and likely code-paths that store the variable for a session, or permanently, or locally, or globally.

This situation can be avoided by failing as soon as possible, e.g. checking for the existence of the variable, and returning a non-zero exit code with a message to the user, please configure the $VARIABLE for this app to run.

Concatenation - strings and file-paths

Avoid concatenation with + at nearly all costs (I'm not sure what exceptions there are, except maybe list types? Rely on library, functions to concatenate for us, as they usually handle all the exceptions we would otherwise.


  • pathlib, ideal. More future-facing, object-oriented.

Example using pathlib:

from pathlib import Path
my_path = Path("this/is/a/path")
my_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

NB. While we normalize to use of the Linux separator / in our paths in this particular example, two Path(...) / Path instances can also be concatenated as such. Both examples instantiates a concrete path for the platform the code is running on meaning it is platform independent.

More on pathlib here via Trey Hunner.

  • os.path-like functions, are okay too.

Example using os.path:

from os import makedirs
from os import path
my_path = os.path.join("this", "is", "a", "path")
except FileExistsError:"path existS")

NB. Ideally we'll move toward pathlib but there's a learning curve, and it's not immediately obvious what benefits this object-orient style brings. We'll see libraries like pytest make good use of it for temporary directories and so forth.


F-strings take a lot of pain out of string concatenation and handle a lot of type errors without needing to str(cast). They're really simple, and can include variables, as well as arbitrary expressions.

Example f-string:

string_var = f"There are {len(my_list)} variables in: {my_list}}"

A reasonable guide on them can be found here courtesy of Real Python.


Some things to keep in mind with tests.

Tests are first-class citizens

Maybe even more important than code, tests help us to make broad sweeping changes when needed, e.g. performance optimizations, or refactoring, and still have confidence in the result. We simply do the same, as above, but for our tests 😉.

Minimize the use of fixtures

We have a lot of tools tha can help us to create files in-memory, as well as work with databases, and other data structures in-memory too.

For pytest, take a look at how to create temporary files and folders in memory. In-memory creation of these objects help keep the code-repository clutter-free, and it is easy to change these objects in-code and inspect the changes, vs. binary objects which cannot be easily inspected.


Code review and style guidelines for the Arkly projects



