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Implement NGINX Plus as an HTTP and HTTPS (SSL terminating) load balancer for two or more HTTP services


  • Provide a variety of NGINX Plus demonstrations
  • Teach the process and meaning of each step setting up NGINX Plus
  • Provide examples of NGINX configurations best practices
  • Give you a feel for what it is like to work with NGINX Plus

How to use this document

To ensure understanding of every step, every line which is to be entered by the user is preceded by $>. This is by design to pace the exercises and prevent the ability to bulk copy and paste multiple lines at once.

The Demo environment

This demo requires four docker containers for the NGINX demos: an NGINX Plus ADC/load balancer, nginx-plus, and webservers, nginx1, nginx2 and nginx3:

An additional container is used for the lab guide and is available on Port 9000

Details of the containers:

  • NGINX Plus (Latest) based on ubuntu 18.04 (and a sample centos 7 Dockerfile is provided).
  • NGINX OSS (Latest) is based on nginx-hello. NGINX web servers that serve simple pages containing its hostname, IP address and port as wells as the request URI and the local time of the webserver.
  • Lab Guide can be read from the docs/labs folder or in a web browser on http://localhost:9000.

Note:NGINX Plus Documentation, resources and blog are your best source of information for addtional technical information. There are many detailed examples found on the internet too!


The base Docker Compose environment the lab is build on

                                             (nginx-hello upstream: 
                                             nginx1:80, nginx2:80, nginx3:80)
                      |               |       +-----------------+
+-------------------->|               |       |                 |       |               +------>|      nginx1     |
HTTP/Port 80          |               |       |  (nginx-hello)  |
                      |               |       |                 |
                      |               |       +-----------------+
+-------------------->|               |      |               |       +-----------------+
HTTP-HTTPS redirect   |  nginx-plus   |       |                 |
HTTP/Port 80          |     (ADC)     +------>|     nginx2      |                     
                      |               |       |  (nginx-hello)  |
+-------------------->|               |       |                 |      |               |       +-----------------+
HTTPS/Port 443        |               |             
                      |               |       +-----------------+         
                      |               |       |                 |
                      |               +------>|     nginx3      | 
                      |               |       |  (nginx-hello)  |
                      |               |       |                 |
                      |               |       +-----------------+
                      |               |
                      |               |       (dynamic upstream - empty)
+-------------------->|               |       +-----------------+         
NGINX Dashboard/      |               |       |                 |
API                   |               +------>|                 |
HTTP/Port 8080        |               |       |        *        |
                      |               |       |                 |
                      |               |       +-----------------+

                                              |                 |
                                              |      docs       |
+-------------------------------------------->|   (lab guide)   |
LAB GUIDE                                     |                 |
HTTP/PORT 90                                  |                 |

File Structure

├── etc/
│    ├── nginx/
│    │    ├── conf.d/ # ADD your HTTP/S configurations here
│    │    │   ├── Virtual Server configuration
│    │    │   ├── Virtual Server configuration
│    │    │   ├── upstreams.conf..............Upstream configurations
│    │    │   ├── stub_status.conf............NGINX Open Source basic status information available http://localhost/nginx_status only
│    │    │   └── status_api.conf.............NGINX Plus Live Activity Monitoring available on port 8080 - [Source](│a51 341a11ff1cf4e94ac359b67f1c4ae)
│    │    ├── includes
│    │    │    ├── add_headers/ # Headers to attach to client response
│    │    │    │   └── security.conf_ ........Recommended response headers for security
│    │    │    ├── error_pages/ # Custom Error Pages
│    │    │    │   ├── error_pages.conf.......NGINX configurations for custom error pages
│    │    │    │   ├── http403.conf_ .........Example HTTP 403 custom error pages
│    │    │    │   └── http404.conf_ .........Example HTTP 404 custom error pages
│    │    │    ├── log_formats/ # Custom extended log formats
│    │    │    │   ├── ext_log_formats.conf...Example custom log formats
│    │    │    │   └── json_log_formats.conf..Example JSON custom log formats
│    │    │    ├── proxy_cache/ # Proxy cache configurations
│    │    │    │   └── image_cache.conf_ .....Example proxy cache configurations for static web content e.g. Images
│    │    │    ├── proxy_headers/ # Headers to attach to upstream request
│    │    │    │   ├── keepalive.conf.........Recommended HTTP keepalives headers for performance
│    │    │    │   └── proxy_headers.conf.....Recommended request headers for request routing and logging
│    │    │    └── ssl # TLS Configurations examples
│    │    │        ├── ssl_intermediate.conf..Recommended SSL configuration for General-purpose servers with a variety of clients, recommended for almost all systems
│    │    │        ├── ssl_a+_strong.conf.....Recommended SSL configuration for Based on SSL Labs A+ (
│    │    │        ├── ssl_modern.conf........Recommended SSL configuration for Modern clients: TLS 1.3 and don't need backward compatibility
│    │    │        └── ssl_old.conf...........SSL configuration for compatiblity ith a number of very old clients, and should be used only as a last resort
│    │    ├── stream.conf.d/ # TODO: ADD your TCP and UDP Stream configurations here
│    │    └── nginx.conf .....................Main NGINX configuration file with global settings
│    └── ssl/
│          ├── nginx/ # NGINX Plus licenses
│          │   ├── nginx-repo.crt.............NGINX Plus repository certificate file (Use your evaluation crt file)
│          │   └── nginx-repo.key.............NGINX Plus repository key file (Use your evaluation key file)
|          ├── dhparam/ # Diffie–Hellman (DH) key exchange files
|          │    ├── 2048
|          │    │    └──nginx-repo.crt........2048 bit DH parameters
|          │    └── 4096
|          │        └──nginx-repo.crt.........4096 bit DH parameters
│          ├── wildcard certifcate for testing (*
│          └── private key for testing
└── var/
     ├── cache/
     │    └── nginx/ # Designated path for storing cached content
     └── lib/
          └── nginx/
               └── state/ # The recommended path for storing state files on Linux distributions


  1. NGINX evaluation license file. You can get it from here

  2. A Docker host. With Docker and Docker Compose

  3. Optional: The demo uses hostnames: and For hostname resolution you will need to add hostname bindings to your hosts file:

For example, on Linux/Unix/macOS the host file is /etc/hosts

# NGINX Plus demo system (local docker host) nginx-plus-1

Note: DNS resolution between containers is provided by default using a new bridged network by docker networking and NGINX has been preconfigured to use the Docker DNS server ( to provide DNS resolution between NGINX and upstream servers

Build and run the demo environment

Provided the Prerequisites have been met before running the stpes below, this is a working environment.

Build the demo

In this demo, we will have a one NGINX Plus ADC/load balancer (nginx-plus) and three NGINX OSS webserver (web1, web2 and web3)

Before we can start, we need to copy our NGINX Plus repo key and certificate (nginx-repo.key and nginx-repo.crt) into the directory, nginx-plus/etc/ssl/nginx/, then build our stack:

# Enter working directory
$> cd nginx-basics

# Make sure your Nginx Plus repo key and certificate exist here
$> ls nginx-plus/etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-*
nginx-repo.crt              nginx-repo.key

# Downloaded docker images and build
$> docker-compose pull
$> docker-compose build --no-cache

See other other useful docker and docker-compose commands

Start the Demo stack:

Run docker-compose in the foreground so we can see real-time log output to the terminal:

$> docker-compose up

Or, if you made changes to any of the Docker containers or NGINX configurations, run:

# Recreate containers and start demo
$> docker-compose up --force-recreate

Confirm the containers are running. You should see three containers running:

$> docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                     COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                              NAMES
791ccac223ac        nginx-basics_nginx-plus   "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   5 seconds ago       Up 4 seconds>80/tcp,>443/tcp,>8080/tcp   nginx-basics_nginx-plus_1
eacbc5630b4b        nginx-basics_docs         "/docker-entrypoint.…"   6 seconds ago       Up 5 seconds        80/tcp,>9000/tcp                                     nginx-basics_docs_1
9ae4b20dd15e        nginx-basics_web1         "/docker-entrypoint.…"   6 seconds ago       Up 5 seconds        80/tcp, 90/tcp                                                     nginx-basics_web1_1
8de6c4e7b672        nginx-basics_web2         "/docker-entrypoint.…"   6 seconds ago       Up 5 seconds>80/tcp,>90/tcp                         nginx-basics_web2_1
0a31be1a3f13        nginx-basics_web3         "/docker-entrypoint.…"   6 seconds ago       Up 5 seconds>80/tcp,>90/tcp                         nginx-basics_web3_1

The demo environment is ready in seconds. You can access the nginx-hello demo website on HTTP / Port 80 (http://localhost or and on HTTPS / Port 443 (

The NGINX API is available on HTTP / Port 8080 (http://localhost:8080) or

The lab guide is available on http://localhost:9000.

Upload to UDF

This demo system can also be ported to UDF

  1. Get the UDF Address (URL and Port) for the target NGINX Plus Load Balancer Instance

UDF ssh info

  1. scp the NGINX Plus Load Balancer configurations:
# Enter working directory
$> cd nginx-basics
# Set variables
DATE_WITH_TIME=`date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"`
# Push local nginx plus config to remote server while making backup first
$> ssh -p $PORT $USER@$HOST "sudo cp -r /etc/nginx /var/tmp/nginx-$DATE_WITH_TIME"
$> ssh -p $PORT $USER@$HOST "sudo rm -rf /var/tmp/nginx-new"
$> scp -r -P $PORT nginx-plus/etc/nginx $USER@$HOST:/var/tmp/nginx-new 
$> ssh -p $PORT $USER@$HOST "sudo rsync -Prtv --exclude modules/ --delete /var/tmp/nginx-new/* /etc/nginx"
$> ssh -p $PORT $USER@$HOST "sudo chown -R nginx:nginx /etc/nginx"
  1. Get the UDF Address (URL and Port) for the target Web Server NGINX Instance

UDF ssh info

  1. scp the NGINX web server configuration:
# Set variables
$> USER=ubuntu
$> PORT=47001
$> DATE_WITH_TIME=`date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"`
# Push local nginx web server config to remote server while making backup first
$> ssh -p $PORT $USER@$HOST "sudo cp -r /etc/nginx /var/tmp/nginx-$DATE_WITH_TIME"
$> ssh -p $PORT $USER@$HOST "sudo rm -rf /var/tmp/nginx-new"
$> scp -r -P $PORT nginx-hello/etc/nginx $USER@$HOST:/var/tmp/nginx-new 
# Copy Lab guide config
$> scp -r -P $PORT docs/misc/lab_guide.conf $USER@$HOST:/var/tmp/nginx-new/conf.d 
$> ssh -p $PORT $USER@$HOST "sudo rsync -Prtv --exclude modules/ --delete /var/tmp/nginx-new/* /etc/nginx"
$> ssh -p $PORT $USER@$HOST "sudo chown -R nginx:nginx /etc/nginx"
# Push local web to remote server while making backup first
$> ssh -p $PORT $USER@$HOST "sudo cp -r /usr/share/nginx/html /var/tmp/nginx-html-$DATE_WITH_TIME"
$> ssh -p $PORT $USER@$HOST "sudo rm -rf /var/tmp/nginx-new-html"
$> scp -r -P $PORT nginx-hello/usr/share/nginx/html $USER@$HOST:/var/tmp/nginx-new-html 
# Copy Lab guide
$> scp -r -P $PORT docs/labs $USER@$HOST:/var/tmp/nginx-new-html 
$> ssh -p $PORT $USER@$HOST "sudo rsync -Prtv --delete /var/tmp/nginx-new-html/* /usr/share/nginx/html"
# Sync to other Web servers (if you have others configured with
# Note: If there is a incorrect host in /root/.ssh/known_hosts, you may need to 
# run the command on the server, not remotely:
$> ssh -p $PORT $USER@$HOST "sudo"

Example nginx-sync.conf on the web server:

# nginx-sync.conf
NODES="web2 web3"
CONFPATHS="/etc/nginx /etc/ssl /usr/share/nginx/html"








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