Source code for the hands-on session of the CFDPARSCHOOL (
Code developers:
- A. Roccon ( OpenACC, OpenMP, Coarrays & CUDA Intro.
- G. Soligo ( OpenMP part.
List of source codes:
- hello: Setup of OpenMP
- pi: Computation of Pi using OpenMP.
- heated_plate: Jacobi Solver parallelized using OpenMP
- drop: Advection of a density field using FVM solver.
- modern_fortran: coarrays (hello and Pi) and standard parallelism (do concurrent)
- test_openaCC: Configuration test of OpenACC.
- jacobi: Jocobi Solver accelerated using OpenACC.
- miniweather: miniAPP MPI+X accelerated using MPI + openACC, credit:
- daxpy: DAXPY benchmark for comparison OpenMP (CPU & GPU), OpenACC and CUDA Fortran.
- solutions, solutions for most of the exercises.