This program is a proxy server that allows both encrypted and unencrypted connection to the proxy from the client.
To be able to use this software you need to compile it first. To do so, you need to navigate to the Server directory. Then you need to run:
cmake CMakeList.txt
This command will generate a proper Makefile and some other files. Next, type:
To do this you need cmake version at least 3.9.6 as well as make installed on top of all the other libraries mentioned in the About section.
It's worth noting that the generated Makefile will have an additional target, namely, running:
make doc_doxygen
will produce this documentation! Be aware that this doesnt check if the current one is up-to-date and will produce it from scratch. Produced documentation is provided in HTML and LaTeX.
You can use our program with multiple command line options:
- -h [--help] To see the help page for this program
- -e [--encrypted] Use encrypted connection between client and proxy
- -u [--unencrypted] Use unencrypted connection between client and proxy, this option is selected by default
- -s [--silent ] Do not display log messages, this option is selected by defualt
- -v [--verbose ] Display log messages to console
- -m [--menu ] Display interactive settings menu. Disabled by default.
Compilation of this program requires you to have some libraries installed:
- [Boost].multiprecision
- [Boost].program_options
- [Boost].proprety_tree
- OpenSSL
On top of that a compiler supporting C++17's fold expressions and parameter pack is needed, such as g++ version 8.2. If that is not your default compiler you can specify a flag to cmake to set it manually.
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-8.2 CMakeLists.txt