A simple app that takes in a list of fhir ids and then does the following
- resource type lookup in hapi-fhir's postgresdb.
Even though the fhir spec allows for search queries to be run on the base url
hapi-fhir itself is yet to implement that feature. This then necessitates going to the postgresdb to find what resource type the id is. - get the resource data from hapi-fhir
- restructure the data and post it to kafka
# how many ids to process at a time
# file name and relative path of the input ids
# url to postgres db
# postgres user to connect as
# password for said user
# database to connect to
# hapi-fhir port on which its api is running on
# url of the hapi-fhir api
# url of the kafka instance to connect to
# kafka topic to post the messages to
Since all these external services are running in a docker swarm without any ports exposed, you'll need to attach to the relevant services' networks. By default in cdr these are not attachable and so the easiest (and way in which there is no down time on services) is to deploy a service into the swarm. The provided docker compose file has all the necessary setup to easily run. docker stack deploy -c ./docker/docker-compose.yml stack_name