This repository has all required libraries and example code to integrate Verse and ETH artworks claims for the website.
Here we provide a simple example that will render owned artworks in HTML.
There are two files needed to be included in the project:
: contains libraries for Ethereum integration (wagmi
: contains Verse authentication library
There is also jquery
, but it is used only for example project,
it is not required for integration to work.
So libraries can be just added to HTML:
<script type="text/javascript" src="./lib/verse-auth.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./ethereum-bundle/ethereum.min.js"></script>
You can check index.js
for a full example. Some most important code
snippets will be referred below.
We are using web3modal which is a great way to connect Ethereum wallet via different providers.
* zancan contract addresses on Ethereum.
* Simply add a new address in the future to check that contract.
const zancanContractsETH = [
/* refer index.js for code */
// requests NFTs by chunks
async function getNFTsByWalletAddressWithCursor(address, cursor) {
/* refer index.js for code */
// requests all NFTs for a wallet address
async function getNFTsByWalletAddress(address) {
/* refer index.js for code */
// converts NFT data from SimpleHash to our metadata format
function constructMetadataFromEth(nftData) {
/* refer index.js for code */
// propting user to connect his wallet using `web3modal`
function connectWallet() {
/* refer index.js for code */
To inject it into your code, simply use:
const address = await connectWallet()
if (address) {
// all good, wallet was connected
} else {
console.log("metamask address could not been obtained");
let nfts = await getNFTsByWalletAddress(address);
let ethMetada =;
// do anything needed with metadata
Preparation is easier for Verse integration:
const verseAuthInstance = new window.VerseAuth();
const zancanArtworksVerse = [
// Landscape with Carbon Offset, 2022
// Landscape with Carbon Capture, 2022
// Rapture Captured, 2022
function getZancanArtworks(editions) {
/* refer index.js for code */
To fetch additions simply use:
await verseAuthInstance.authorise()
if (!verseAuthInstance.isAuthorised()) {
// all good, user is authorised
// fetch editions
const result = await verseAuthInstance.getUserEditions()
// map them to our metadata format
let verseMetadata = getZancanArtworks(result);
// do anything needed with metadata
After mapping you will receive following data format:
const data = {
artworkNumber: "34", // basically edition number
collection: "Artwork Title", // name of collection
editionId: "...", // id of edition either or Verse or Ethereum
name: `Artwork Title #34`, // title + edition number
previewImage: "https://...", // ready to use edition image
We have quite simple Webpack setup because it's much easier
to bundle wagmi
and web3modal
this way.
There are also two directories:
has outer-produced libraries (there were built not within this project),
- it is stored in a separate directory so it won't de overwritten by
yarn build