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Anton edited this page Jan 7, 2020 · 5 revisions

Expensive can set and unset DNS host records when using Namecheap DNS service. This is ideal for dev-ops engineers native to CLI environment who want to avoid having to click through the web-interface.

On This Page


This is the list of all possible arguments which can be used to manipulate DNS hosts.

Argument Short Description
--record The record type. Can be one of the following: A, AAAA, ALIAS, CAA, CNAME, MX, MXE, NS, TXT, URL, URL301, FRAME.
--TXT -TXT Add a TXT record with this address to the domain. Alias for --record TXT --address .
--A -A Add an A record with this address to the domain. Alias for --record A --address .
--CNAME -CNAME Add a CNAME record with this address to the domain. --record CNAME --address .
--ttl When adding host records, sets the TTL. By default, namecheap sets 1800.
--host The host name for adding dns records. Default @.
--address The address of the new host record.
--mxpref MX preference for hosts. Applicable to MX records only.
--github -g Setup GitHub pages for the apex domain as per docs Also removes the parking page and URL redirect. All other hosts are kept itact.
--delete -d Remove the specified host record.

Creating TXT Record

To create a TXT record, there's the TXT alias, which set the type TXT and address equal to the value of the passed argument.

expensive --TXT github-wiki
Getting current hosts
Setting 4 host records
Successfully set { RecordType: 'TXT',
  Address: 'github-wiki',
  HostName: '@' } on
Fetching updated hosts

Name  Type                  Address                 TTL 
www   CNAME             1800
@     TXT    google-site-verification=YtZVj7zCv0Xf
4rPmon2wB0bxWXshKmgKq8dL8WgRXV4  1800
@     TXT    github-wiki                            1800
@     URL   1800

Deleting Records

To delete a record, the --delete flag should be set. All other arguments must be set to match the record being deleted. If, for example, only the --record A is passed without the --address, Expensive will remove all host records of type A.

wiki~:$ expensive --TXT github-wiki --delete
Getting current hosts
Are you sure you want to unset { RecordType: 'TXT',
  Address: 'github-wiki',
  HostName: '@' } (y/n): [y] y
Setting 3 host records
Successfully deleted { RecordType: 'TXT',
  Address: 'github-wiki',
  HostName: '@' } on
Fetching updated hosts

Name  Type                  Address                 TTL 
www   CNAME             1800
@     TXT    google-site-verification=YtZVj7zCv0Xf
4rPmon2wB0bxWXshKmgKq8dL8WgRXV4  1800
@     URL   1800


The example shows how to set the AAAA record with a given TTL for the www subdomain (host):

wiki:~$ expensive --record AAAA --address --ttl 3600 --host www
Getting current hosts
Setting 4 host records
Successfully set { RecordType: 'AAAA',
  Address: '',
  HostName: 'www',
  TTL: '3600' } on
Fetching updated hosts

Name  Type                  Address                 TTL 
www   AAAA                            3600
www   CNAME             1800
@     TXT    google-site-verification=YtZVj7zCv0Xf
4rPmon2wB0bxWXshKmgKq8dL8WgRXV4  1800
@     URL   1800

Unsetting the record is performed in the same way, but by adding the -d option:

wiki:~$ expensive --record AAAA --address --ttl 3600 -d
Getting current hosts
Are you sure you want to unset { RecordType: 'AAAA',
  Address: '',
  HostName: 'www',
  TTL: '3600' } (y/n): [y] y
Setting 3 host records
Successfully deleted { RecordType: 'AAAA',
  Address: '',
  HostName: 'www',
  TTL: '3600' } on
Fetching updated hosts

Name  Type                  Address                 TTL 
www   CNAME             1800
@     TXT    google-site-verification=YtZVj7zCv0Xf
4rPmon2wB0bxWXshKmgKq8dL8WgRXV4  1800
@     URL   1800
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