For a newer, improved version of the AtoM replication playbook, please see:
This playbook will take care of:
- Configure ES snapshots on source and destination servers
- Create elasticsearch and mysql backups for the source atom instance
- Copy ES / Mysql dumps from source to destination
- Load the backups in the destination host
You need ansible , and ssh access to all involved hosts
Change the "hosts" file, to reflect the ip of your source atom instance. If both elasticsearch and mysql are in the same host, put the same ip twice
Do the same for the destination atom instance
Configure group_vars/all to reflect the username, database and password for mysql source atom database and destination one.
Run the playbook with: ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml
Note: After replication you should clear the symfony and php-fpm (apcu) caches for the updates to display properly on the destination AtoM instance.