Artemis Platform contains enterprise ready patterns for web applications in Elixir. It can be used as:
- A starting point for a new web application
- A pattern reference for an existing web application
View a live demo at
General Patterns:
- Authentication with OAuth2
- New Resource Generator ⬈ Documentation ⬈ Discussion
- Role-Based Access Control ⬈ Documentation ⬈ Discussion
- Full Text Search ⬈ Documentation ⬈ Discussion
- Event Based Pub/Sub
- Dedicated Audit Logging
- Dynamic Caching
- Feature Flipper
- GraphQL API Endpoint
- Phoenix Web Endpoint
- Docker Support
- Unit Testing
- Browser-based Testing
UI Patterns:
- Breadcrumbs
- Pagination
- Table Search
- Table Export
- Table Sorting
- Table Filtering
View a live demo at
Or spin up a demo locally. Assuming docker and docker compose is installed:
bin/demo/build # Build the demo environment
bin/demo/up # Start the demo environment
bin/demo/stop # Stop the demo environment
bin/demo/remove # Remove the demo environment
Once built and started, the demo environment is available at: http://localhost:4077
Artemis can be used as a pattern reference for an existing application or as a starting point for a new one.
To build a new application using Artemis, see the
Artemis Dashboard is an example of a complete application (including UI and design) built on top of Artemis Platform.