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IPTV Archive PVR

IPTV Live TV and Radio PVR client addon for Kodi

For a listing of the supported M3U and XMLTV elements see the appendix here

Build instructions


  1. git clone --branch Leia
  2. git clone --branch Leia
  3. cd pvr.iptvsimple && mkdir build && cd build
  4. cmake -DADDONS_TO_BUILD=pvr.iptvsimple -DADDON_SRC_PREFIX=../.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../xbmc/addons -DPACKAGE_ZIP=1 ../../xbmc/cmake/addons
  5. make


In order to build the addon on mac the steps are different to Linux and Windows as the cmake command above will not produce an addon that will run in kodi. Instead using make directly as per the supported build steps for kodi on mac we can build the tools and just the addon on it's own. Following this we copy the addon into kodi. Note that we checkout kodi to a separate directory as this repo will only only be used to build the addon and nothing else.

Build tools and initial addon build

  1. Get the repos
  • cd $HOME
  • git clone --branch Leia xbmc-addon
  • git clone --branch Leia
  1. Build the kodi tools
  • cd $HOME/xbmc-addon/tools/depends
  • ./bootstrap
  • ./configure --host=x86_64-apple-darwin
  • make -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
  1. Build the addon
  • cd $HOME/xbmc-addon
  • make -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) -C tools/depends/target/binary-addons ADDONS="pvr.iptvsimple" ADDON_SRC_PREFIX=$HOME

Note that the steps in the following section need to be performed before the addon is installed and you can run it in Kodi.

To rebuild the addon and copy to kodi after changes (after the initial addon build)

  1. cd $HOME/pvr.iptvsimple
  2. ./ ../xbmc-addon

If you would prefer to run the rebuild steps manually instead of using the above helper script check the appendix here

Useful links



General settings required for the addon to function.

  • Location: Select where to find the M3U resource. The options are:
    • Local path - A path to an M3U file whether it be on the device or the local network.
    • Remote path - A URL specifying the location of the M3U file.
  • M3U Play List path: If location is Local path this setting must contain a valid path for the addon to function.
  • M3U Play List URL: If location is Remote path this setting must contain a valid URL for the addon to function.
  • Cache M3U at local storage: If location is Remote path select whether or not the the M3U file should be cached locally.
  • Numbering channel starts at: The number to start numbering channels from.
  • User-Agent: Select which User-Agent to use if there is not one supplied as a property or as part of the channel stream URL.

EPG Settings

Settings related to the EPG.

My default the addon will read the first <category> element of a programme and use this as the genre string. It is also possible to supply a mapping file to convert the genre string to a genre ID, allowing colour coding of the EPG. Please see: Using a mapping file for Genres in the Appendix for details on how to set this up.

  • Location: Select where to find the XMLTV resource. The options are:
    • Local path - A path to an XMLTV file whether it be on the device or the local network.
    • Remote path - A URL specifying the location of the XMLTV file.
  • XMLTV Path: If location is Local Path this setting should contain a valid path.
  • XMLTV URL: If location is Remote Path this setting should contain a valid URL.
  • Cache XMLTV at local storage: If location is Remote path select whether or not the the XMLTV file should be cached locally.
  • EPG Time Shift (hours): Adjust the EPG times by this value in minutes, range is from -12 hours to +14 hours.
  • Apply Time Shift To All Channels: Whether or not to override the time shift for all channels with EPG time shift. If not enabled EPG time shift plus the individual time shift per channel (if available) will be used.

Channel Logos

Settings realted to Channel Logos.

  • Location: Select where to find the channel logos. The options are:
    • Local path - A path to a folder whether it be on the device or the local network.
    • Remote path - A base URL specifying the location of the logos.
  • Channel Logos Folder: If location is Local Path this setting should contain a valid folder.
  • Channel Logos Base URL: If location is Remote Path this setting should contain a valid base URL.
  • Channel Logos from XMLTV: Preference on how to handle channel logos. The options are:
    • Ignore - Don't use channel logos from an XMLTV file.
    • Prefer M3U - Use the channel logo from the M3U if available otherwise use the XMLTV logo.
    • Prefer XMLTV - Use the channel logo from the XMLTV file if available otherwise use the M3U logo.


Using a mapping file for Genres

Users can create there own genre mapping files to map their genre strings to genre IDs. This allows the EPG UI to be colour coded per genre.

Kodi uses the following standard for it's genre IDs:

The file created must be called genres.xml and be located here: userdata/addon_data/pvr.iptvsimple.

Here is an exmaple of the file:

  <name>My Streams Genres Mappings</name>
  <genre type="16" subtype="0">General Movie/Drama</genre> <!-- General Movie/Drama - 0x10 in DVB hex-->
  <genre type="54" subtype="0">TV Show</genre>             <!-- Show/Game Show - 0x30 in DVB hex-->
  <genre type="54" subtype="0">Game Show</genre>           <!-- Show/Game Show - 0x30 in DVB hex-->
  <genre type="54" subtype="0">Show/Game Show</genre>      <!-- Show/Game Show - 0x30 in DVB hex-->
  <genre type="160" subtype="0">Show/Game Show</genre>     <!-- Leisure/Hobbies - 0xA0 in DVB hex-->
  • <name>: There should be a single <name> element. The value should denote the purpose of this genre mapping file.
  • <genre>: There can be many genre elements. The type attribute can contain a values ranging from 16 to 240 in multiples of 16 (would be 0x10 to 0xF0 if in hex) and the subtype attributes can contain a value from 0 to 15 (would be 0x00 to 0x0F if in hex). subtype is optional. The value of the <genre> element is what is used to map from in order to get the genre IDs. Many mapping values are allowed to map to the same IDs.

Note: Once mapped to genre IDs the text displayed will be the DVB standard text and not the genre string text supplied in the XML.

Supported M3U and XMLTV elements

M3U format elemnents:

#EXTM3U tvg-shift="-4.5"
#EXTINF:0 tvg-id="channel-x" tvg-name="Channel_X" group-title="Entertainment" tvg-chno="10" tvg-logo="http://path-to-icons/channel-x.png" radio="true" tvg-shift="-3.5",Channel X
#EXTINF:0 tvg-id="channel-x" tvg-name="Channel-X-HD" group-title="Entertainment;HD Channels",Channel X HD
#EXTINF:0 tvg-id="channel-y" tvg-name="Channel_Y",Channel Y
#EXTINF:0,Channel Z

Note: The minimum required for a channel/stream is an #EXTINF line with a channel name and the URL line. E.g. a minimal version of the exmaple file above would be:

#EXTINF:0,Channel X
#EXTINF:0,Channel X HD
#EXTINF:0,Channel Y
#EXTINF:0,Channel Z
  • #EXTM3U: Marker for the start of an M3U file. Has an optional tvg-shift value that will be used for all channels if a tvg-shift value is not supplied per channel.
  • #EXTINF: Contains a set of values, ending with a comma followed by the channel name.
    • tvg-id: A unique identifier for this channel used to map to the EPG XMLTV data.
    • tvg-name: A name for this channel in the EPG XMLTV data.
    • group-title: A semi-colon separted list of channel groups that this channel belongs to.
    • tvg-chno: The number to be used for this channel.
    • tvg-logo: A URL pointing to the logo for this channel. For relative URLs .png will be appended if not provided, absolute URLs will not be modified.
    • radio: If the value matches "true" (case insensitive) this is a radio channel.
    • tvg-shift: Channel specific shift value in hours.
  • #EXTGRP: A semi-colon separted list of channel groups that this channel belongs to.
  • #KODIPROP: A single property in the format key=value that can be passed to Kodi. Multiple can be passed.
  • #EXTVLCOPT: A single property in the format key=value that can be passed to Kodi. Multiple can be passed.
  • #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE: If this element is present with a value of VOD (Video on Demand) the stream is marked as not being live.
  • URL: The final line in each channel stanza is the URL used for the stream. Appending |User-Agent=<agent-name> will change the user agent. Other HTTP header fields can be set in the same fashion: |name1=val1&name2=val2 etc. The header fields supported in this way by Kodi can be found here.

When processing an XMLTV file the addon will attempt to find a channel loaded from the M3U that matches the EPG channel. It will cycle through the full set of M3U channels checking for one condition on each pass. The first channel found to match is the channel chosen for this EPG channel data.

  • 1st pass: Does theid attribute of the <channel> element from the XMLTV match the tvg-id from the M3U channel. If yes we have a match, don't continue.
  • Before the second pass: Was a value provided, if not skip this channels EPG data.
  • 2nd pass: Does the as it is or with spaces replaced with '_''s match tvg-name from the M3U channel. If yes we have a match, don't continue.
  • 3rd pass: Does the match the M3U channel name. If yes we have a match, phew, eventually found a match.

XMLTV format elemnents:

General information on the XMLTV format can be found here. There is also the DTD.

Channel elements

<channel id="channel-x">
  <display-name>Channel X</display-name>
  <display-name>Channel X HD</display-name>
  <icon src="http://path-to-icons/channel-x.png"/>
  • When matching against M3U channels the id attribute will be used first, followed by each display-name.
  • If multiple icon elements are provided only the first will be used.

Programme elements

  <programme start="20080715003000 -0600" stop="20080715010000 -0600" channel="channel-x">
    <title>My Show</title>
    <desc>Description of My Show</desc>
    <sub-title>Episode name for My Show</sub-title>
    <episode-num system="xmltv_ns">0.1.0/1</episode-num>
    <episode-num system="onscreen">S01E02</episode-num>
      <director>Director One</director>
      <writer>Writer One</writer>
      <actor>Actor One</actor>
    <icon src="http://path-to-icons/my-show.png"/>

The programme element supports the attributes start/stop in the format YYYmmddHHMMSS +/-HHMM and the attribute channel which needs to match the channel element's attribute id.

  • title: The title of the prgramme.
  • desc: A descption of the programme.
  • category: If multiple elements are provided only the first will be used to populate the genre.
  • sub-title: Used to populate episode name.
  • date: Used to populate year and first aired date.
  • star-rating: If multiple elements are provided only the first will be used. The value will be converted to a scale of 10 if required.
  • episode-num: Thexmltv_nssystem will be preferred over onscreen and the first successfully parsed element will be used.
    • For episode-num elements using the xmltv_ns system at least season and episode must be supplied, i.e. 0.1 (season 1, episode 2). If the 3rd element episode part number is supplied it must contain both the part number and the total number of parts, i.e. 0.1.0/2 (season 1, episode 2, part 1 of 2).
    • For episode-num elements using the onscreen system only the S01E02 format is supported.
  • credits: Only director, writer and actor are supported (multiple of each can be supplied).
  • icon: If multiple elements are provided only the first will be used.

HTTP header fields supported by Kodi

HTTP header fields can be sent by appending the following format to the URL: |name1=val1&name2=val2. Note that kodi does not support sending not standard header fields.

Special fields

cookie, cookies, seekable, user-agent

Standard fields

accept, accept-language, accept-datetime, authorization, cache-control, connection, content-md5, date, expect, forwarded, from, if-match, if-modified-since, if-none-match, if-range, if-unmodified-since, max-forwards, origin, pragma, range, referer, te, upgrade, via, warning, x-requested-with, dnt, x-forwarded-for, x-forwarded-host, x-forwarded-proto, front-end-https, x-http-method-override, x-att-deviceid, x-wap-profile, x-uidh, x-csrf-token, x-request-id, x-correlation-id

Manual Steps to rebuild the addon on MacOSX

The following steps can be followed manually instead of using the in the root of the addon repo after the initial addon build has been completed.

To rebuild the addon after changes

  1. rm tools/depends/target/binary-addons/.installed-macosx*
  2. make -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) -C tools/depends/target/binary-addons ADDONS="pvr.iptvsimple" ADDON_SRC_PREFIX=$HOME


  1. cd tools/depends/target/binary-addons/macosx*
  2. make

Copy the addon to the Kodi addon directory on Mac

  1. rm -rf "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/pvr.iptvsimple"
  2. cp -rf $HOME/xbmc-addon/addons/pvr.iptvsimple "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons"


Kodi: IPTV Simple client addon






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  • C++ 96.5%
  • CMake 1.9%
  • Shell 1.6%