a simple school project using spring boot, hibernate and h2.
functions done:
-front page, dashboard, profile-settings page, projects page, specific project page,
-login/register using social login(Google preferable),
-admin and user roles,
-notifications/alerts(removable by clicking on them) for user each add/remove request,
-adding/removing projects, workdays(inside projects), and entries(inside workdays),
-editing entries,
-dashboard page with actual user data,
-downloading raport of full user data(using GSON and JACKSON).
-some design improvements like showing limited amount of alerts instead of all of them,
-full activity logs(non-removable unlike alerts/notifications),
-search functionality.
https://localhost:8088/swagger-ui/#/ https://localhost:8088/h2-console https://localhost:8088/ https://localhost:8088/dashboard https://localhost:8088/projects https://localhost:8088/profile https://localhost:8088/projekt