BingoPress Theme is simple WordPress theme built with TailwindCSS.
This theme is heavily using these free & open-source libraries all the credits go to these peoples and communities who had helped provide and develop these libraries
- 📟 3rd Party Libraries : Fontawesome
- 📟 Compiler: GruntJS, Webpack
- 📟 Framework : Dot Framework, Svelte, TailwindCSS
- 📟 Languages : SASS, TypeScript
- 📟 Lint & Hooks : ESLint, Husky, Prettier
- 📟 jQuery : jQuery Confirm, jQuery Select2
- 📟 QA & Test : PHP CodeSniffer, Selenium, WPCS, WPThemeSniffer
- 📟 Release & Specification : Conventional Commits, Release-it
- 📟 Vendors : Composer, NPM