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Customized multiselect jQuery plugin for Rails asset pipeline


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Install multiselect gem

Include multi-select-rails in Gemfile

gem 'multiselect'

Then run

bundle install

Include multiselect javascript

Add to your app/assets/javascripts/application.js

//= require multiselect

Include multiselect stylesheet

Add to your app/assets/stylesheets/application.css

*= require multiselect

Updating the gem

There are two rake tasks designed to ease the maintenance of this gem.

The update task pulls the latest multiselect code from github and places images, stylesheets and javascripts in the correct gem paths. It also changes background-image properties in the stylesheet to asset pipeline equivalents.

rake update

The build task is a simple wrapper for gem build

rake build


    <link href="path/to/multiselect.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <select multiple="multiple" id="my-select" name="my-select[]">
      <option value='elem_1'>elem 1</option>
      <option value='elem_2'>elem 2</option>
      <option value='elem_3'>elem 3</option>
      <option value='elem_4'>elem 4</option>
      <option value='elem_100'>elem 100</option>
    <script src="path/to/jquery.multi-select.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


Name type default description
afterInit function function(container){} Function to call after the multiSelect initilization.
afterSelect function function(values){} Function to call after one item is selected.
afterDeselect function function(values){} Function to call after one item is deselected.
selectableHeader HTML/Text null Text or HTML to display in the selectable header.
selectionHeader HTML/Text null Text or HTML to display in the selection header.
selectableFooter HTML/Text null Text or HTML to display in the selectable footer.
selectionFooter HTML/Text null Text or HTML to display in the selection footer.
disabledClass String 'disabled' CSS class for disabled items.
selectableOptgroup Boolean false Click on optgroup will select all nested options when set to true.
keepOrder Boolean false The selected items will be displayed in the same order than they are selected.
dblClick Boolean false Replace the defautl click event to select items by the dblclick one.
cssClass String "" Add a custom CSS class to the multiselect container.



Activates your content as a multiselect. Accepts an optional options object


Note: You must init the multiple select with $('#your-select').multiSelect() before calling one of the following methods.

.multiSelect('select', String|Array)

Select the item with the value given in parameter. The value can be either a string ('elem_1') matching the value of the option oran Array of values (['elem_1', 'elem_42']).

$('#your-select').multiSelect('select', String|Array);
.multiSelect('deselect', String|Array)

Deselect the item with the value given in parameter. The value can be either a string ('elem_1') matching the value of the option oran Array of values (['elem_1', 'elem_42']).

$('#your-select').multiSelect('deselect', String|Array);

Select all elements.


Select all items.


Deselect all items previously selected.


Select all marked items.


Deselect all marked items previously selected.


Refresh current multiselect.

.multiSelect('addOption', Hash)

Dynamically add option to the multiselect. The options hash is described bellow:

key type required desription
value String true The value of the option to create
text String true The text of the option to create
index Number false The index where to insert the option. If none given, it will be inserted as last option.
nested String false If there are optgroups you can choose under which optgroup you want to insert the option.
$('#your-select').multiSelect('addOption', { value: 'test', text: 'test', index: 0, nested: 'optgroup_label' });




Customized multiselect jQuery plugin for Rails asset pipeline







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