1-Python 3: https://www.python.org/downloads/
2-Pygame 2: https://www.pygame.org/wiki/GettingStarted
-Possible to run in Windows 10, but recommended being executed in a linux distro.
-The suggested window resolution is 1024*768 60 fps.
Inside the src folder run:
python3 main.py
Use the left button of the mouse to select the game options who enjoy.
In the Human playing mode, use "h" in your keyboard to display an hint in the screen.
To exit proprelly the close button in your OS window should be pressed.
FEUP MIEIC IART Grup43 2020/2021
Turma 3MIEIC07
André Malheiro [email protected]
Diogo Gomes [email protected]
Rúben Almeida [email protected]
Copyrights: MIT License