Repository containing my dotfiles of all my systems. There are dispatched in branches, and some inherits configurations from groups.
I use the
script to hierarchically merge all my branches between
each other. When a conflict happens, fix it and relaunch the automerge script,
what will continue from where it failed.
To install the dotfiles, use
- master: "light" version of my dotfiles, installed on all my servers
- desktop: desktop oriented dotfiles. vim/nvim is configured for a dev
- tour-anthony: desktop @home
- laptop-anthony: personnal laptop, inherits a lot of dotfiles from
- laptop-work: laptop for work
- laptop-anthony: personnal laptop, inherits a lot of dotfiles from
- tour-anthony: desktop @home
- desktop: desktop oriented dotfiles. vim/nvim is configured for a dev
- python3
- python-git or python3-git (depending on distributions)
Configurations under the BSD license.