So how many of you remember "Shakuni" 🧞♂️ from Mahabharata? 🚩
Yes!! The master mind behind all the evil plottings. 😈
But what else was he known for?
Correct!! 🎉 The GAME OF DICE 🎲 which went on to rage one of the greatest wars of all time - the Mahabharata!!
Much inspired by that, I've developed this game of dice 😸 using React.js and Styled components.
Don't you worry, this game is absoltely SAFE and a FUN to play with.🎈
It only checks what big of a "prescient" you are!!
So let us start the game! 🪔
What? Wondering about the rules? Relax guys!! Got you covered - The rules are given in the game so go check that out..!!
Download or clone the files and just run "npm run dev" and you are good to go!!
Here is how it looks!!