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Anshul Raj Verma edited this page Oct 26, 2023 · 4 revisions

Documentation for Scrapper of website

Welcome to the documentation for the 99acres web scraping project. Here, you'll find a detailed guide on how to scrape real estate data from using Python and Streamlit. This documentation is mainly focus on the streamlit app created by @arv-anshul using Streamlit library with only Python language. Refer to project's app.


  1. How I Approach to Create this App using Streamlit and Curler?

Feel free to navigate through this documentation to learn how to create your web scraping application.

Data Description

  1. SRP Dataset

    • SRP stands for Sale, Rental and Projects like properties.
    • You can get this dataset from Fetch New Properties page of my Web-App.
    • See the description here.
    • You can check the sample of scrapped data on kaggle.
  2. Facets Datasets: This is a collection of mappers which are being used for decoding encoded columns present in SRP dataset.

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