Install Node.js and npm. Head over to the Node.js website if you need to do that. Next, install Grunt and Bower with the command below.
(sudo) npm install -g bower grunt-cli
First clone the repo. Then install development dependencies with npm. Install frontend app dependencies with Bower:
cd ozp-webtop
npm install && bower install
Development tasks are run with Grunt. Run grunt serve
to bring up a live preview of the webtop. Run grunt -h
for a full list of Grunt tasks.
This app was scaffolded with Yeoman. You may want to install it to aid in contributing to this repo. You can install it with npm with the following commands:
(sudo) npm install -g yo generator-angular
If you install yo
, it will install Grunt and Bower for you. You can then scaffold out new pieces of the app with:
cd ozp-webtop
yo angular:directive myNewDirective
You can find more at the generator-angular
Github repo.
The directory structure is a result of the Yeoman scaffolding, however some additional directories have been added. The app is structured in the following way:
examples/ # HTML to use as webtop frames
fonts/ # Provided by Yeoman
images/ # Placeholder images
mock/ # JSON which mocks a server response
scripts/ # Contains JavaScript with Angular pieces of the application
templates/ # Templates are HTML fragments that are used by one or more directives
views/ # HTML which corresponds to a route. A view is the composite of HTML and many directives
runner.html # Spec runner
spec/ # Child directories correspond to the code in app/scripts/
Software (c) 2014 Department of Defense
The United States Government has unlimited rights in this software.
The OZONE Platform Webtop is released to the public as Open Source Software, because it's the Right Thing To Do. Also, it was required by Section 924 of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act.
Released under the Apache License, Version 2.