A simple package to fit photometry data to different spectral distributions.
Paste this into the Julia REPL:
import Pkg
As an example let us fit the SN2013fs photometry data using the black body spectrum.
using PhotometryFit
using Plots # Visualization
using DelimitedFiles # Reading data files
import DustExtinction: CCM89 # Cardelli et al. extinction curve
import UnitfulAstro: ly # Astronomical measurement units
ser = read_photometry_data( # Read photometry data
FilterFolder("data/Filters/", :photon), # Filters info is located in this folder
"data/data_13dqy_formatted_for_package.txt", # And the photometry data is here
unit=Flux(dist=160e6ly)) # Photometry data is provided in flux values, star is 160Mly far away
for (filter, s) in ser # Add relative error
lambda_eff(filter) < 3000 && continue
@. s.err = √(s.err^2 + (s.val * 0.1)^2)
dates = readdlm("data/13dqy_int_dates.txt") |> vec # Dates where we will evaluate the spectrum
model = Extinction(BlackBodyModel(), CCM89(Rv=3.08), Av=0.035 * 3.08)
fit_ser = fit(ser, model, dates) # Fit using the BB model with extinction
scatter(fit_ser) # Plot
This code yields the following picture:
Note that you may need to install Plots
, UnitfulAstro
, DustExtinction
packages. You can do this as follows:
import Pkg