Reluctant Relocation
Two major features debut in this release!
First, the homesick nature instinct was added, encouraging players stuck as animals to spend time in the environment their morph would prefer to spawn in, or else risk being chased by predators. Feedback is encouraged on the instinct system as it develops!
Second, the magic inhibition mechanic was added, encouraging a tradeoff between morphing and certain forms of powerful magic. Too much spellcasting will temporarily prevent morphing.
Another notable feature: Some morphs can now eat grass or drink water using the Metamorph ability key, under limited conditions.
There are also various other tweaks and fixes:
- Fixed Guardian mobs attacking morphed players they were not supposed to attack
- Fixed permanent morphs unable to craft magical wood types
- Fixed StackOverflowError when looking up some crafting recipes
- Fixed humanity icons shaking while game paused
- Updated Alchemic Ash guide to mention changes to modpack wand recipes
- Fixed Alchemic Ash guide typos involving bales