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A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading API with support for more than 130 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges


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CCXT – CryptoCurrency eXchange Trading Library

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A JavaScript / Python / PHP library for cryptocurrency trading and e-commerce with support for many bitcoin/ether/altcoin exchange markets and merchant APIs.

The CCXT library is used to connect and trade with cryptocurrency exchanges and payment processing services worldwide. It provides quick access to market data for storage, analysis, visualization, indicator development, algorithmic trading, strategy backtesting, bot programming and related software engineering.

It is intended to be used by coders, developers, technically-skilled traders, data-scientists and financial analysts for building trading algorithms on top of it.

Current feature list:

  • support for many exchange markets, even more upcoming soon
  • fully implemented public and private APIs for all exchanges
  • all currencies, altcoins and symbols, prices, order books, trades, tickers, etc...
  • optional normalized data for cross-exchange or cross-currency analytics and arbitrage
  • an out-of-the box unified all-in-one API extremely easy to integrate
  • works in Node 7.6+, Python 2 and 3, PHP 5.4+, web browsers

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Certified Cryptocurrency Exchanges

       logo        id name ver doc certified
binance binance Binance * API CCXT Certified
bitfinex bitfinex Bitfinex 1 API CCXT Certified
bittrex bittrex Bittrex 1.1 API CCXT Certified
coss coss COSS 1 API CCXT Certified
kraken kraken Kraken 0 API CCXT Certified
kucoin2 kucoin2 KuCoin 2 API CCXT Certified
theocean theocean The Ocean 1 API CCXT Certified
upbit upbit Upbit 1 API CCXT Certified

Supported Cryptocurrency Exchange Markets

The ccxt library currently supports the following 133 cryptocurrency exchange markets and trading APIs:

       logo        id name ver doc certified
_1btcxe _1btcxe 1BTCXE * API
acx acx ACX 2 API
allcoin allcoin Allcoin 1 API
anxpro anxpro ANXPro * API
anybits anybits Anybits * API
bcex bcex BCEX 1 API
bibox bibox Bibox 1 API
bigone bigone BigONE 2 API
binance binance Binance * API CCXT Certified
bit2c bit2c Bit2C * API
bitbank bitbank bitbank 1 API
bitbay bitbay BitBay * API
bitfinex bitfinex Bitfinex 1 API CCXT Certified
bitfinex2 bitfinex2 Bitfinex v2 2 API
bitflyer bitflyer bitFlyer 1 API
bitforex bitforex Bitforex 1 API
bithumb bithumb Bithumb * API
bitibu bitibu Bitibu 2 API
bitkk bitkk bitkk 1 API
bitlish bitlish Bitlish 1 API
bitmarket bitmarket BitMarket * API
bitmex bitmex BitMEX 1 API
bitsane bitsane Bitsane * API
bitso bitso Bitso 3 API
bitstamp bitstamp Bitstamp 2 API
bitstamp1 bitstamp1 Bitstamp v1 1 API
bittrex bittrex Bittrex 1.1 API CCXT Certified
bitz bitz Bit-Z 2 API
bl3p bl3p BL3P 1 API
bleutrade bleutrade Bleutrade 2 API
braziliex braziliex Braziliex * API
btcalpha btcalpha BTC-Alpha 1 API
btcbox btcbox BtcBox 1 API
btcchina btcchina BTCChina 1 API
btcexchange btcexchange BTCExchange * API
btcmarkets btcmarkets BTC Markets * API
btctradeim btctradeim * API
btctradeua btctradeua BTC Trade UA * API
btcturk btcturk BTCTurk * API
buda buda Buda 2 API
bxinth bxinth * API
ccex ccex C-CEX * API
cex cex CEX.IO * API
chbtc chbtc CHBTC 1 API
chilebit chilebit ChileBit 1 API
cobinhood cobinhood COBINHOOD 1 API
coinbase coinbase Coinbase 2 API
coinbaseprime coinbaseprime Coinbase Prime * API
coinbasepro coinbasepro Coinbase Pro * API
coincheck coincheck coincheck * API
coinegg coinegg CoinEgg * API
coinex coinex CoinEx 1 API
coinexchange coinexchange CoinExchange * API
coinfalcon coinfalcon CoinFalcon 1 API
coinfloor coinfloor coinfloor * API
coingi coingi Coingi * API
coinmarketcap coinmarketcap CoinMarketCap 1 API
coinmate coinmate CoinMate * API
coinnest coinnest coinnest * API
coinone coinone CoinOne 2 API
coinspot coinspot CoinSpot * API
cointiger cointiger CoinTiger 1 API
coolcoin coolcoin CoolCoin * API
coss coss COSS 1 API CCXT Certified
crex24 crex24 CREX24 2 API
crypton crypton Crypton 1 API
cryptopia cryptopia Cryptopia * API
deribit deribit Deribit 1 API
dsx dsx DSX 2 API
ethfinex ethfinex Ethfinex 1 API
exmo exmo EXMO 1 API
exx exx EXX * API
fcoin fcoin FCoin 2 API
flowbtc flowbtc flowBTC 1 API
foxbit foxbit FoxBit 1 API
fybse fybse FYB-SE * API
fybsg fybsg FYB-SG * API
gatecoin gatecoin Gatecoin * API
gateio gateio 2 API
gdax gdax GDAX * API
gemini gemini Gemini 1 API
getbtc getbtc GetBTC * API
hadax hadax HADAX 1 API
hitbtc hitbtc HitBTC 1 API
hitbtc2 hitbtc2 HitBTC v2 2 API
huobipro huobipro Huobi Pro 1 API
ice3x ice3x ICE3X 1 API
independentreserve independentreserve Independent Reserve * API
indodax indodax INDODAX 1.8 API
itbit itbit itBit 1 API
jubi jubi 1 API
kkex kkex KKEX 2 API
kraken kraken Kraken 0 API CCXT Certified
kucoin kucoin KuCoin 1 API
kucoin2 kucoin2 KuCoin 2 API CCXT Certified
kuna kuna Kuna 2 API
lakebtc lakebtc LakeBTC 2 API
lbank lbank LBank 1 API
liqui liqui Liqui 3 API
liquid liquid Liquid 2 API
livecoin livecoin LiveCoin * API
luno luno luno 1 API
lykke lykke Lykke 1 API
mercado mercado Mercado Bitcoin 3 API
mixcoins mixcoins MixCoins 1 API
negociecoins negociecoins NegocieCoins 3 API
nova nova Novaexchange 2 API
okcoincny okcoincny OKCoin CNY 1 API
okcoinusd okcoinusd OKCoin USD 1 API
okex okex OKEX 1 API
paymium paymium Paymium 1 API
poloniex poloniex Poloniex * API
qryptos qryptos QRYPTOS 2 API
quadrigacx quadrigacx QuadrigaCX 2 API
quoinex quoinex QUOINEX 2 API
rightbtc rightbtc RightBTC * API
southxchange southxchange SouthXchange * API
surbitcoin surbitcoin SurBitcoin 1 API
theocean theocean The Ocean 1 API CCXT Certified
therock therock TheRockTrading 1 API
tidebit tidebit TideBit 2 API
tidex tidex Tidex 3 API
uex uex UEX 1.0.3 API
upbit upbit Upbit 1 API CCXT Certified
urdubit urdubit UrduBit 1 API
vaultoro vaultoro Vaultoro 1 API
vbtc vbtc VBTC 1 API
virwox virwox VirWoX * API
xbtce xbtce xBTCe 1 API
yobit yobit YoBit 3 API
yunbi yunbi YUNBI 2 API
zaif zaif Zaif 1 API
zb zb ZB 1 API

The list above is updated frequently, new crypto markets, altcoin exchanges, bug fixes, API endpoints are introduced and added on a regular basis. See the Manual for details. If you don't find a cryptocurrency exchange market in the list above and/or want another exchange to be added, post or send us a link to it by opening an issue here on GitHub or via email.

The library is under MIT license, that means it's absolutely free for any developer to build commercial and opensource software on top of it, but use it at your own risk with no warranties, as is.


The easiest way to install the ccxt library is to use builtin package managers:

This library is shipped as an all-in-one module implementation with minimalistic dependencies and requirements:

  • js/ in JavaScript
  • python/ in Python (generated from JS)
  • php/ in PHP (generated from JS)

You can also clone it into your project directory from ccxt GitHub repository:

git clone

An alternative way of installing this library into your code is to copy a single file manually into your working directory with language extension appropriate for your environment.

JavaScript (NPM)

JavaScript version of CCXT works both in Node and web browsers. Requires ES6 and async/await syntax support (Node 7.6.0+). When compiling with Webpack and Babel, make sure it is not excluded in your babel-loader config.

ccxt in NPM

npm install ccxt
var ccxt = require ('ccxt')

console.log (ccxt.exchanges) // print all available exchanges

JavaScript (for use with the <script> tag):

All-in-one browser bundle (dependencies included), served from unpkg CDN, which is a fast, global content delivery network for everything on NPM.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Creates a global ccxt object:

console.log (ccxt.exchanges) // print all available exchanges


ccxt in PyPI

pip install ccxt
import ccxt
print(ccxt.exchanges) # print a list of all available exchange classes

The library supports concurrent asynchronous mode with asyncio and async/await in Python 3.5.3+

import ccxt.async_support as ccxt # link against the asynchronous version of ccxt


ccxt in PHP with Packagist/Composer (PHP 5.4+)

It requires common PHP modules:

  • cURL
  • mbstring (using UTF-8 is highly recommended)
  • PCRE
  • iconv
  • gmp (this is a built-in extension as of PHP 7.2+)
include "ccxt.php";
var_dump (\ccxt\Exchange::$exchanges); // print a list of all available exchange classes


Read the Manual for more details.



The ccxt library consists of a public part and a private part. Anyone can use the public part out-of-the-box immediately after installation. Public APIs open access to public information from all exchange markets without registering user accounts and without having API keys.

Public APIs include the following:

  • market data
  • instruments/trading pairs
  • price feeds (exchange rates)
  • order books
  • trade history
  • tickers
  • OHLC(V) for charting
  • other public endpoints

For trading with private APIs you need to obtain API keys from/to exchange markets. It often means registering with exchanges and creating API keys with your account. Most exchanges require personal info or identification. Some kind of verification may be necessary as well. If you want to trade you need to register yourself, this library will not create accounts or API keys for you. Some exchange APIs expose interface methods for registering an account from within the code itself, but most of exchanges don't. You have to sign up and create API keys with their websites.

Private APIs allow the following:

  • manage personal account info
  • query account balances
  • trade by making market and limit orders
  • deposit and withdraw fiat and crypto funds
  • query personal orders
  • get ledger history
  • transfer funds between accounts
  • use merchant services

This library implements full public and private REST APIs for all exchanges. WebSocket and FIX implementations in JavaScript, PHP, Python and other languages coming soon.

The ccxt library supports both camelcase notation (preferred in JavaScript) and underscore notation (preferred in Python and PHP), therefore all methods can be called in either notation or coding style in any language.

// both of these notations work in JavaScript/Python/PHP
exchange.methodName ()  // camelcase pseudocode
exchange.method_name () // underscore pseudocode

Read the Manual for more details.


'use strict';
const ccxt = require ('ccxt');

(async function () {
    let kraken    = new ccxt.kraken ()
    let bitfinex  = new ccxt.bitfinex ({ verbose: true })
    let huobi     = new ccxt.huobi ()
    let okcoinusd = new ccxt.okcoinusd ({
        apiKey: 'YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY',
        secret: 'YOUR_SECRET_PRIVATE_KEY',

    const exchangeId = 'binance'
        , exchangeClass = ccxt[exchangeId]
        , exchange = new exchangeClass ({
            'apiKey': 'YOUR_API_KEY',
            'secret': 'YOUR_SECRET',
            'timeout': 30000,
            'enableRateLimit': true,

    console.log (,    await kraken.loadMarkets ())
    console.log (,  await bitfinex.loadMarkets  ())
    console.log (,     await huobi.loadMarkets ())

    console.log (,    await kraken.fetchOrderBook (kraken.symbols[0]))
    console.log (,  await bitfinex.fetchTicker ('BTC/USD'))
    console.log (,     await huobi.fetchTrades ('ETH/CNY'))

    console.log (, await okcoinusd.fetchBalance ())

    // sell 1 BTC/USD for market price, sell a bitcoin for dollars immediately
    console.log (, await okcoinusd.createMarketSellOrder ('BTC/USD', 1))

    // buy 1 BTC/USD for $2500, you pay $2500 and receive ฿1 when the order is closed
    console.log (, await okcoinusd.createLimitBuyOrder ('BTC/USD', 1, 2500.00))

    // pass/redefine custom exchange-specific order params: type, amount, price or whatever
    // use a custom order type
    bitfinex.createLimitSellOrder ('BTC/USD', 1, 10, { 'type': 'trailing-stop' })

}) ();


# coding=utf-8

import ccxt

hitbtc = ccxt.hitbtc({'verbose': True})
bitmex = ccxt.bitmex()
huobi  = ccxt.huobi()
exmo   = ccxt.exmo({
    'apiKey': 'YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY',
    'secret': 'YOUR_SECRET_PRIVATE_KEY',
kraken = ccxt.kraken({
    'apiKey': 'YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY',
    'secret': 'YOUR_SECRET_PRIVATE_KEY',

exchange_id = 'binance'
exchange_class = getattr(ccxt, exchange_id)
exchange = exchange_class({
    'apiKey': 'YOUR_API_KEY',
    'secret': 'YOUR_SECRET',
    'timeout': 30000,
    'enableRateLimit': True,

hitbtc_markets = hitbtc.load_markets()

print(, hitbtc_markets)
print(, bitmex.load_markets())
print(, huobi.load_markets())



# sell one ฿ for market price and receive $ right now
print(, exmo.create_market_sell_order('BTC/USD', 1))

# limit buy BTC/EUR, you pay €2500 and receive ฿1  when the order is closed
print(, exmo.create_limit_buy_order('BTC/EUR', 1, 2500.00))

# pass/redefine custom exchange-specific order params: type, amount, price, flags, etc...
kraken.create_market_buy_order('BTC/USD', 1, {'trading_agreement': 'agree'})


include 'ccxt.php';

$poloniex = new \ccxt\poloniex ();
$bittrex  = new \ccxt\bittrex  (array ('verbose' => true));
$quoinex  = new \ccxt\quoinex   ();
$zaif     = new \ccxt\zaif     (array (
    'apiKey' => 'YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY',
    'secret' => 'YOUR_SECRET_PRIVATE_KEY',
$hitbtc   = new \ccxt\hitbtc   (array (
    'apiKey' => 'YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY',
    'secret' => 'YOUR_SECRET_PRIVATE_KEY',

$exchange_id = 'binance';
$exchange_class = "\\ccxt\\$exchange_id";
$exchange = new $exchange_class (array (
    'apiKey' => 'YOUR_API_KEY',
    'secret' => 'YOUR_SECRET',
    'timeout' => 30000,
    'enableRateLimit' => true,

$poloniex_markets = $poloniex->load_markets ();

var_dump ($poloniex_markets);
var_dump ($bittrex->load_markets ());
var_dump ($quoinex->load_markets ());

var_dump ($poloniex->fetch_order_book ($poloniex->symbols[0]));
var_dump ($bittrex->fetch_trades ('BTC/USD'));
var_dump ($quoinex->fetch_ticker ('ETH/EUR'));
var_dump ($zaif->fetch_ticker ('BTC/JPY'));

var_dump ($zaif->fetch_balance ());

// sell 1 BTC/JPY for market price, you pay ¥ and receive ฿ immediately
var_dump ($zaif->id, $zaif->create_market_sell_order ('BTC/JPY', 1));

// buy BTC/JPY, you receive ฿1 for ¥285000 when the order closes
var_dump ($zaif->id, $zaif->create_limit_buy_order ('BTC/JPY', 1, 285000));

// set a custom user-defined id to your order
$hitbtc->create_order ('BTC/USD', 'limit', 'buy', 1, 3000, array ('clientOrderId' => '123'));


Please read the CONTRIBUTING document before making changes that you would like adopted in the code. Also, read the Manual for more details.

Support Developer Team

We are investing a significant amount of time into the development of this library. If CCXT made your life easier and you like it and want to help us improve it further or if you want to speed up new features and exchanges, please, support us with a tip. We appreciate all contributions!


Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website.

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ETH 0x26a3CB49578F07000575405a57888681249c35Fd (ETH only!)
BTC 33RmVRfhK2WZVQR1R83h2e9yXoqRNDvJva
BCH 1GN9p233TvNcNQFthCgfiHUnj5JRKEc2Ze
LTC LbT8mkAqQBphc4yxLXEDgYDfEax74et3bP

Thank you!



Contact Us

For business inquiries: [email protected]


A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading API with support for more than 130 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges







No packages published


  • JavaScript 42.5%
  • Python 36.7%
  • PHP 20.8%