A wind sound generator plugin with intensity, amplitude, resonance, speed, pan, whistle and howl controls.

[WINDOWS] Just drag and drop the .dll file into Unity > Assets > Plugins folder in your Unity project, then add the effect on your desired Audio Mixer track.
If you'd like to build the solution yourself:
- Clone or download the repo.
- Open the Projucer File (Download and install JUCE).
- Build the Solution
- After building, navigate to the extracted folder > Builds > VisualStudio or your IDE > x64 > Release > Unity Plugin.
- Plugin will be named as audioplugin_WindControl.dll.
- Drag the audioplugin_WindControl.dll into Unity > Assets > Plugins folder.
[MacOS] After building in Xcode, drag and drop the .bundle folder into your Plugins folder.