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Bailey edited this page Sep 23, 2022
7 revisions
Dump Function
function dump(o)
if type(o) == 'table' then
local s = '{ '
for k,v in pairs(o) do
if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end
s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. dump(v) .. ','
return s .. '} '
return tostring(o)
DCS-Interface Send Data
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(8051, dataVariable)
Colored Circles
-- ⚪ white
-- ⚫ black
-- 🟡 yellow
-- 🔴 red
-- 🟢 green
-- 🔵 blue
One Line Statements
if omni_Xxx > 9 then omni_Xxx = 0 end
Correct DCS Argument Roller Rounding Error
if fuelQty_Xxxx > 9 then fuelQty_Xxxx = 0 end
if fuelQty_xXxx > 9 then fuelQty_xXxx = 0 end
if fuelQty_xxXx > 9 then fuelQty_xxXx = 0 end
if fuelQty_xxxX > 9 then fuelQty_xxxX = 0 end
Add comma to number
function format_int(number) --
local i, j, minus, int, fraction = tostring(number):find('([-]?)(%d+)([.]?%d*)')
-- reverse the int-string and append a comma to all blocks of 3 digits
int = int:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1,")
-- reverse the int-string back remove an optional comma and put the
-- optional minus and fractional part back
return minus .. int:reverse():gsub("^,", "") .. fraction
Degree Symbol °
Delta Symbol Δ
Cockpit Params
return list_cockpit_params()
Device MetaTable Log Dump
function ExportScript.DeviceMetaTableLogDump(mainPanelDevice)
local ltmp1 = 0
for ltmp2 = 1, 30, 1 do
ltmp1 = GetDevice(ltmp2)
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog(ltmp2 .. ': ' .. ExportScript.Tools.dump(ltmp1))
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog(ltmp2 ..' (metatable): '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(getmetatable(ltmp1)))
ListIndication Log Dump
function ExportScript.ListIndicationLogDump(mainPanelDevice)
local ltmp1 = 0
for ltmp2 = 0, 30, 1 do
ltmp1 = list_indication(ltmp2)
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog(ltmp2 ..': '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(ltmp1))
Custom Saved Games Folder
"...\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS.exe" -w DCS.Test
Results in the folder called DCS.Test
Enable full debugging with log.set_output("dcs", "", log.ALL, log.FULL)
in Saved Games\\Config\autoexec.cfg