AS_Properties Marketplace is the capstone project for Udacity's Blockchain course.
This repository contains Smart Contract code in Solidity (using Truffle), tests (also using Truffle)
To install, download or clone the repo, then:
npm install
In directory eth-contracts/
truffle compile
To run truffle tests:
In directory eth-contracts/
For all tests:
truffle test
All 10 tests should pass.
For single file tests:
truffle test test/TestERC721Mintable.js
truffle test test/TestSquareVerifier.js
truffle test test/TestSolnSquareVerifier.js
Contract address (Token) : 0x4baD3d135747B2843A9afF212cadD3E186f01c7D
Contract address (Verifier): 0x2F06031173b442ac25C0d52da11d58e303189894
OpenSea Marketplace Storefront link's: AS_Properties Marketplace
docker run -v <path to your project folder>:/home/zokrates/code -ti zokrates/zokrates:0.3.0 /bin/bash
./zokrates compile -i code/zokrates/code/square/square.code
./zokrates setup
./zokrates compute-witness -a 3 9
./zokrates generate-proof
./zokrates export-verifier
Create a .secret
file in /eth-contracts/
with your mnemonic.
Example .secret
hood outer advance century enter marriage symbol acquire access cactus family rather
Start deployment
truffle migrate --network rinkeby