A npm package created with different functionality for ease of use.
npm install aj-utils
npm install aj-utils -g
Const AJ = require('aj-utils')
Const {centuryCalc} = require('aj-utils)
"ajExpress" or "ajExpress < folder name >"
centuryCalc(year, romanNumerals = true/false)
formatNumber(number, "prefix")
binarySearch(array, value)
gcd(num1, num2)
- Changed Keywords
- added the function fizzBuzz that takes a number and returns an array of the length counting up and returning fizz for multiples of 3 and buzz for multiples of 5, if both returns fizzbuzz in the array. -fizzBuzz(15) === [1, 2,'Fizz', 4,'Buzz', 'Fizz',7, 8,'Fizz', 'Buzz',11, 'Fizz',13, 14,'FizzBuzz']
Added ajExpress when globally installed. This will create a basic node/express server as well as installing Express and nodemon.
- Once installed globally use "ajExpress" in the terminal to generate the server in the file
- Or use "ajExpress < filename >" to create the folder for the server.
ajExpress ├── app.js ├── config │ └── index.js ├── controllers │ └── errors.js ├── listen.js ├── models ├── package-lock.json ├── package.json └── routes └── apiRouter.js
- Added CenturyCalc function that takes a year and roman numerals true/False and returns the century.
- centuryCalc(2019) === "21st"
- centuryCalc(2019, true) === "XXI
- Updated the Readme
- Added Format Number Function that returns a number separated by comma every 3 digits, also takes a prefix for currency.
- formatNumber(100000, "£") === "£100,000.00"
- formatNumber(100000) === "£100,000"
- Added Binary search Function that returns the index of the value - binarySearch([1,3,5,6], 3) === 2
- Updated the Readme
- Small code Change
- Added Greatest Common Divisor function - gcd(12, 24) === 12
- Added Roman Numeral Encoder - romanNum(4) === "IX"