Up to date guide of running genome aligner CACTUS -https://github.com/ComparativeGenomicsToolkit/cactus
(last edit - 01/09/2020)
DNAZoo's goal is to create 1 alignment with all dnazoo genomes + all mammals on ncbi (excluding those from the 200 mammals project)
- there are ~120 mammals assembled by DNAZoo, ~150 genomes overall
- there are 458 mammals on the NCBI DB (note that there will be overlap, in this instance we will use the DNAZoo genome)
-> annotations to form tree can be found here: https://www.dnazoo.org/post/announcing-the-release-of-updated-genome-annotations https://github.com/macmanes-lab/dnazoo_annotation/blob/master/phylogeny_v2.newick
Starting Point (for testing) - DNA Zoos 9 primates
Macaca fuscata
Allenopithecus nigroviridis
Mandrillus sphinx
Saimiri boliviensis
Cebuella pygmaea
Propithecus coquereli
Microcebus murinus
Eulemur flavifrons
Eulemur mongoz
review tree here:http://etetoolkit.org/treeview/
Pairwise alignment start:
Eulemur flavifrons (2.1G): https://www.dropbox.com/s/snr3ua4qnxin6sv/Eflavifronsk33QCA_HiC.fasta.gz?dl=0
Eulemur mongoz (2.5G): https://www.dropbox.com/s/780pcbhrfllkbph/Eulemur_mongoz_HiC.fasta.gz?dl=0
PAWSEY notes
-Zeus 96GB and 128GB nodes: https://pawsey.org.au/systems/zeus/
-Magnus 64GB nodes: https://pawsey.org.au/systems/magnus/
-Topaz 192 GB nodes: https://pawsey.org.au/systems/topaz/
Zeus benefits over Nimbus due to higher RAM at expense of walltime
Toil does not work with Slurm - limits to using 1 node on Zeus or Magnus (Toil is developed for cloud)
GPU acceleration has been introduced in most recent versions of cactus - there are GPUs on Topaz cluster - issue is on Topaz cannot reun CPU-only code
For monitoring jobs export SACCT_FORMAT=jobid%-20,jobname,partition,user,account,submit,start,end,elapsed,nnodes,ncpus,reqmem,maxrss,maxvmsize,state,exitcode,nodelist%10 sacct -a -u ashling_charles -S 2020-08-01 -MaxRSS and MaxVMSize gives idea of maximum RAM usage
Important notes:
-typical size of mammalian genomes are 2-4GB
-on cluster set up, VMs do not talk to each other i.e. memory (RAM) and core requirements are specified per machine not per cluster
-cactus job is a workflow made up of several tasks - can break these downs -when downloading genomes from ncbi, need to remove spaces in the names of the chromosomes eg.
NC_000001.11 Homo sapiens chromosome 1, GRCh38.p13 Primary Assembly to NC_000001.11
-guide to AWS instructions for cactus: https://github.com/ComparativeGenomicsToolkit/cactus/blob/master/doc/running-in-aws.md
main points:
- mammal-size genomes require (N/2)x20 c4.8xlarge instances on the spot market, (N/2) r3.8xlarge on-demand ie. for pairwise alignment 20 c4.8xlarge instances, 1 r3.8xlarge instance
Set-up (on pawsey) dir="$MYSCRATCH/test-cactus" mkdir -p $dir cd $dir
module load singularity singularity pull docker://quay.io/comparative-genomics-toolkit/cactus:v1.0.0
git clone https://github.com/ComparativeGenomicsToolkit/cactus.git cp -p cactus/examples/evolverMammals.txt .
Cactus-prepare command (used to list chunks of the workflow i.e. can be run seperately - commands in the same block can be executed concurrently)
singularity exec cactus_v1.0.0.sif cactus-prepare --jobStore jobstore evolverMammals.txt steps-output steps-output/evovlerMammals.txt steps-output/evolverMammals.hal &>list_commands
#inspect the output file cat list_commands
Test run (example given in github repository) salloc -c 28 -t 1:00:00 srun singularity exec cactus_v1.0.0.sif cactus jobStore evolverMammals.txt evolverMammals.hal --root mr --binariesMode local
when it runs out of walltime, can continue with command: srun singularity exec cactus_v1.0.0.sif cactus jobStore evolverMammals.txt evolverMammals.hal --root mr --binariesMode local --restart
Test run on PAWSEY's Zeus (Mammalian pairwise alignment) SeqFile - testalignment.txt: (human,greykangaroo);
*human /group/pawsey0263/ashling_charles/human.fasta (size:3.1G)
greykangaroo /group/pawsey0263/ashling_charles/mg-2k.fasta.masked (size:3.4G)
Cactus script:
#!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH --job-name="myjob" #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --account=pawsey0263 #SBATCH --export=NONE #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=28 #SBATCH --output=cactusexample.%j.o #SBATCH --error=cactusexample.%j.e
module load singularity CONTAINER_PATH=/scratch/pawsey0263/ashling_charles/test-cactus
srun singularity exec cactus_v1.0.0.sif cactus jobStore /group/pawsey0263/ashling_charles/testalignment.txt humankangaroo.hal --binariesMode local --restart
#TOIL_SLURM_ARGS="--nodes 8 --export=ALL" srun singularity exec cactus_v1.0.0.sif cactus --binariesMode local --batchSystem slurm --workDir=tmp --defaultCores 28 --maxCores 28 --maxNodes 8 --logLevel=debug --defaultDisk 96G --defaultMemory 96G jobStore evolverMammals.txt evolverMammals.hal --disableCaching --clean=always
-> issue with script - always gets stuck in LastzRepeatMasking step