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This is a Python graphics library for drawing simple shapes on a 2D window using the Pygame module. It provides functions for drawing pixels, lines, circles, rectangles, ellipses, polygons, and triangles. It also supports DDA and Bresenham's line drawing algorithms with different line styles.


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Graphics With Python

AGPL License AGPL License

A Computer Graphic Library for engineering in Python


Graphic With Python (GWP) is a user-friendly and simpler way to practise and imply Computer Graphic Concept . It is better then graphics.h as GWP is faster & easy to implement. The Aim for this library is to make Computer Graphic Visualization easier and understandable by providing Fuction for each Method and support.

output of floodfill algorith output of midpoint algorith output of bresenhams algorith output of boundaryfill algorith



Python 3.6 +
IDE / Replit

IDE's like (VScode , Pycharm , etc)

There are two methods to installation and using this library.

For Local Machine / IDE's

Step 1

   # Check wheather the python and pip are installed
   python --version
   pip --version

Step 2

   pip install GraphicswithPython

For Online IDE

  • Visit here
  • Make an account
  • Create a new repl for python
  • Go to shell and enter
    pip install GraphicswithPython


GraphicswithPython library support manual function as well as pre-implemented function for refrence.


  • window()

    It create a window for where your output is displayed. Every program must have a window

    Parameter of Window
     window(width: int, height: int)


    from GraphicswithPython import window 
  • color()

    Graphicswithpython supports rgb color. So to make this easy just pass a string of color example red and it will return rgb tuple value

    color("color") supported color for now are black, grey, red, white, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple


    from GraphicswithPython import color
    color("red") # return (255, 0, 0)
    color("blue") # return (0, 0, 255)
    color("black") # return (0,0,0)
    color("green") # return (0,255,0)
  • putpixel()

    It put specific pixel at given x , y coordinate

    putpixel(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int, color: str, intensity: int) # intensity is optional parameter	


    from GraphicswithPython import putpixel,window
  • getpixel()

    It returns RBG color data of specific pixel at provided x ,y co-ordinate

    getpixel(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int) -> return tuple color example (0,0,255)


    from GraphicswithPython import putpixel,window
    putpixel(300,300,"black") # Its return tuple color (0,0,225)
    print(getpixel(300,300))   # we printed getpixel to get output in terminal
  • delay()

    It delay the programe so you can see the animation



    from GraphicswithPython import delay
    delay(1000) # delay progaram for 1 sec
  • circle()

    It create a circle of given radius

    circle(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int, radius: int, color: tuple)	


    from graphicswithpython import circle , display , delay , color
    display(700, 700 )    
    delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution
  • rectangle()

    It create a Rectangle

    rectangle(left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, color: tuple)	


    from graphicswithpython import rectangle , display , delay , color
    display(700, 700 )
    delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution
  • elipse()

    It create a Elipse

    elipse(left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, color: tuple)	


    from graphicswithpython import elipse , display , delay , color
    display(700, 700 )
    delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution  
  • polygon()

    It create a Polygon

    polygon(points: tuple, color: tuple)	


    from graphicswithpython import polygon , window , delay ,color
    delay(5000)  # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution
  • point_in_circle()

    It check wheater the point is in circle or not.

    point_in_circle(centerx: int, centery: int, radius: int, x: int, y: int)	


    from graphicswithpython import  window , delay ,color, pointInCircle ,circle
    print(pointInCircle(300,300,40,500,500))  # it will return False , as point is outside circle
    print(pointInCircle(300,300,40,320,320))  # It will return True , as point is inside circle
    delay(5000)  # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution


PreImplemented function are the funtional Algorithm which are already implemented.

  • DDA

    DDA stands for Digital Differential Analyzer. It is an incremental method of scan conversion of line

    Parameter Explaination
    x1 Integer varible of x-coordinate
    y1 Interger variable for y-coordinate of
    x2 Integer variable for x-coordinate for 2nd point of line
    y2 Integer variable for y-coordinate for 2nd point of line
    DDA type Any of dda types required => Line , dash ,solid , dotted .
    color color() funtion is required to mention the color of dda needed

    Parameter for DDA is

     dda(x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int, DDatype: str, color: tuple


    from graphicswithpython import dda, window, delay, color
    window(700, 700)  # first make window to get output there
    # Line
    dda(100, 100, 200, 200, "line", color("blue"))
    # line Dash
    dda(200, 200, 300, 300, "dash", color("white"))
    # line Solid
    dda(300, 300,400,400, "solid", color("blue"))
    # line dotted
    dda(400,400,500,500, "dotted", color("blue"))
    delay(5000)     # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes


  • Breshham

    Bresenham's line algorithm is a line drawing algorithm that determines the points of an n-dimensional raster that should be selected in order to form a close approximation to a straight line between two points.

    Required Explanation
    x1 x-coordinate for 1st point of line
    y1 y-coordinate for 1st point of line
    x2 x-coordinate for 2nd point of line
    y2 y-coordinate for 2nd point of line
    bresenhamstype Type of Bresenham needed => line,dash, solid, dotted
    color color() funtion is required (rgb tuple )

    Parameter for Bresenham

     bresenham(x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int, bresenhamstype: str, color: tuple)


    from graphicswithpython import bresenhams, window,delay,color
    window(700,700)         #first make window to get output there
    # Breshham  Line  
    #Breshham  Line Dash
    #Breshham  Line Solid
    #Breshham  Line dotted 
    delay(5000)     # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes


  • Midpointcircle

    The midpoint circle algorithm is an algorithm used to determine the points needed for rasterizing a circle.

    Required Explaination
    radius radius of circle
    xcenter x-coordinate for center of circle
    ycenter y-coordinate for center of circle
    midpointtype type of midpoint circle needed => LINE , Dash, solid, Dotted, DashandLine
    color color() function is required (rgb tuple )

    Parament for Midpointcircle

    midpoint(radius: int, xcenter: int, ycenter: int, midpointtype: str, color: tuple)


    from graphicswithpython import  window, delay, color, midpointcircle
    window(700,700)         #first make window to get output there
    # Midpoint  Circle Line  
    # Midpoint Circle Dash 	
    # Midpoint Circle Dotted 		   
    # Midpoint Circle Solid
    # Midpoint Circle Dash and Normal
    delay(2000)     # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes


  • FloodFill

    Flood fill, also called seed fill, is an algorithm that determines and alters the area connected to a given node in a multi-dimensional array with some matching attribute.

    Required Explaination
    xcenter x-coordinate of center point
    ycenter y-coordinate of center point
    backgroundcolor exisiting backgroundcolor of window
    newcolor color() funtion required for new color to be filled
    seed number of seed you need for FloodFill
    radius radius of object in which doing floodfill. (optional)

    Note : Radius tuple is required for 8 seed floodfill

    Parameter of FloodFill

      xcenter: int, ycenter: int, backgroundcolor: tuple, newcolor: tuple, seeds: int, radius: int | None = None

    Examples (for 4 seed )

    from graphicswithpython import floodfill, window,delay,color , circle ,rectangle,polygon 
    window(700,700)         #first make window to get output there
    #  FloodFill 4 seed Circle
    floodfill(100,100,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4)       #floodfill(xcenter,ycenter,backgroundcolor,newcolor,seed)
    # FloodFill 4 seed Square 
    # FloodFill 4 seed polygon	
    # FloodFill 4 seed Rectangle
    delay(5000)     # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes

    Examples (for 8 seed)

    from graphicswithpython import floodfill, window, delay, color, circle, rectangle,triangle
    window(700,700)         #first make window to get output there
    #first draw object 
    #Flood Fill with 8 seed
    floodfill(210,310,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8)  # upper rectangle
    floodfill(390,348,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8,radius=49)    #circle  *(MUST SPECIFY RADIUS IN CIRCLE ONLY)
    floodfill(315,380,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4)   # middle Rectangle (Here 4 seed is done , as it consist of inner circle ) 
    floodfill(325,470,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8)   # triangle
    delay(5000)     # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes


  • Boundary Fill

    Boundary fill is the algorithm used frequently in computer graphics to fill a desired color inside a closed polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides.

    Required Explaination
    xcenter x-coordinate of center point
    ycenter y-coordinate of center point
    bordercolor exisiting bordercolor of
    newcolor color() funtion required for new color to be filled
    seed number of seed you need for FloodFill
    radius radius of object in which doing floodfill. (optional)

    Parameter for Boundary FIll

    xcenter: int, ycenter: int, bordercolor: tuple, newcolor: tuple, seeds: int, radius: int | None = None

    Examples ( for 4 seed )

    from graphicswithpython import boundaryfill, window,delay,color , circle ,rectangle,polygon 
    window(700,700)         #first make window to get output there
    # boundaryfill 4 seed Rectangle
    #  boundaryfill 4 seed Circle
    boundaryfill(100,100,bordercolor=color("red"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4)       #boundaryfill(xcenter,ycenter,bordercolor,newcolor,seed)
    # boundaryfill 4 seed Square 
    # boundaryfill 4 seed polygon	
    delay(5000)     # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes

    Examples (for 8 seed)

    from graphicswithpython import boundaryfill, window, delay, color, circle, rectangle,triangle
    window(700,700)         #first make window to get output there
    #first draw object 
    # rectangle(250,350,140,100,color("white")) 
    #Flood Fill with 8 seed
    boundaryfill(210,310,bordercolor=color("red"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8)  # upper rectangle
    boundaryfill(390,348,bordercolor=color("purple"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8,radius=49)    #circle  *(MUST SPECIFY RADIUS IN CIRCLE ONLY)
    # boundaryfill(315,380,bordercolor=color("white"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4)   # middle Rectangle (Here 4 seed is done , as it consist of inner circle ) 
    boundaryfill(325,470,bordercolor=color("yellow"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8)   # triangle
    delay(5000)     # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes



  • Manual Method

    Funtions Description Parameter Examples
    window() It create a window for output visualization. window(width: int, height: int) window(700,700)
    putpixel() It put specific pixel at given x , y coordinate putpixel(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int, color: str) putpixel(300,300,"black")
    getpixel() It returns RBG color data of specific pixel at provided x ,y co-ordinate getpixel(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int) xcordinates:int, ycordinates:int
    circle() It create a circle circle(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int, radius: int, color: tuple) circle(300,300,40,color("green"))
    rectangle() It create a Rectangle rectangle(left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, color: tuple) rectangle(300,300,100,100,color("green"))
    elipse() It create a Elipse elipse(left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, color: tuple) ellipse(200,200,100,100,color("white"))
    polygon() It create a Polygon polygon(points: tuple, color: tuple) unknown
    triangle() It create a Triangle triangle(x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int, x3: int, y3: int, color: tuple) triangle(200,200,200,300,300,200,color("red"))
    frame_limiter() Can specify number of frame per second (FPS) of window.
    point_in_circle() It check wheater the point is in circle or not. point_in_circle(centerx: int, centery: int, radius: int, x: int, y: int) centerx:int, centery:int, radius:int, x:int, y:int
  • PreImplemented Methods

    Funtions Description
    DDA Line DDA stands for Digital Differential Analyzer. It is an incremental method of scan conversion of line
    DDA Dash Draws a dashed line using DDA Algorithm. Takes the line co-ordinates from the user to plot the desired dashed line.
    DDA Solid Draws a Solid line using DDA Algorithm. Takes the line co-ordinates from the user to plot the desired Solid line.
    DDA Dotted Draws a dashed & line using DDA Algorithm. Takes the line co-ordinates from the user to plot the desired line.
    Breshham Line This algorithm is used for scan converting a line.
    Breshham Line Dotted This algorithm is used for scan converting a line.
    Midpoint Circle This algorithm is used to draw Circle using Center point co-ordinate
    Midpoint Circle Dash This algorithm is used to draw Circle with dash border using Center point co-ordinate
    Midpoint Circle Solid This algorithm is used to draw Circle with solid Border using Center point co-ordinate
    Midpoint Circle Dotted This algorithm is used to draw Circle with Dotted Borderusing Center point co-ordinate
    Midpoint Circle Dash and Normal This algorithm is used to draw Circle with Oppsosite side Dashed using Center point co-ordinate
    FloodFill 4 seed It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area bounded by color border with 4 seed point.
    FloodFill 4 seed polygon It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Polygon bounded by color border with 4 seed point.
    FloodFill 4 seed Circle It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Circle bounded by color border with 4 seed point.
    FloodFill 8 seed It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of polygon bounded by color border with 8 seed point.
    FloodFill 8 seed Square It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Square bounded by color border with 8 seed point.
    FloodFill 8 seed Polygon It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Polygon bounded by color border with 8 seed point.
    FloodFill 8 seed Rectangle It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Rectangle bounded by color border with 8 seed point.
    FloodFill 8 seed Circle It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Circle bounded by color border with 8 seed point.
    Boundary Fill 4 seed It fill a desired color inside a closed Polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 4 seeds.
    Boundary Fill 4 seed Square It fill a desired color inside a closed Sqaure having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 4 seeds.
    Boundary Fill 4 seed Rectangle It fill a desired color inside a closed Reactangle having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 4 seeds.
    Boundary Fill 4 seed Circle It fill a desired color inside a closed Circle having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 4 seeds.
    Boundary Fill 8 seed It fill a desired color inside a closed Polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds.
    Boundary Fill 8 seed Square It fill a desired color inside a closed Square having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds.
    Boundary Fill 8 seed Polygon It fill a desired color inside a closed Polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds.
    Boundary Fill 8 seed Rectangle It fill a desired color inside a closed Rectangle having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds.
    Boundary Fill 8 seed Circle It fill a desired color inside a closed Circle having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds.
  • Author

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This is a Python graphics library for drawing simple shapes on a 2D window using the Pygame module. It provides functions for drawing pixels, lines, circles, rectangles, ellipses, polygons, and triangles. It also supports DDA and Bresenham's line drawing algorithms with different line styles.







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