This is a simple demo of a microservice architecture where in the flow is as below:
- Registering a user -> using email and password.
- Login-> using registered credentials.
- Profile -> where the user can view and edit the basic profile information.
- Frontend is built using HTML,CSS,Bootstrap and Font Awesome Icons.
- Interacting with the backend is only using JQuery AJAX (no usage of form submission)
- Server-side scripting is with PHP
- User credentials are stored in MYSQL Database.
- Profile information is stored in MongoDB.
- Client side session is maintained using browser localStorage.
- Server side session is maintained using Redis.
- Download this repository.
- Install XAMPP for PHP Development environment.
- Move the downloaded repository to the path: :\xampp\htdocs.
- Download the MongoDB_Compass and Redis.
- Download the MONGODB and REDIS .dll files compatible with your PHP version.
- Please Refer MONGO and Redis for installing extensions for XAMPP.
- Download Composer.
- For configuring Redis_Session_Handler.
- Do update the redis port inplace of host1/host2 while configuring session_path
- Open XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache server and MySQL server and open the Apache admin interface and type the path to the project directory.
eg :
and the app gets started.