A console-based app for a Todo List, written in C#
❯ todo
Command Syntax Description
---------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
add todo add <todo message> Adds an item to your todo list
show todo show Shows all of your tasks
remove todo remove <id> Removes a selected task by its ID
purge tasks purge Removes all tasks
search todo search <query> Search for a task
edit todo edit <id> <new message> Edits a task given its ID
help todo help Lists all implemented comments
Add a task to the list:
❯ todo add "take out the trash"
Successfully created a new task -- (take out the trash)
Show all tasks:
❯ todo show
1 -- read emails
2 -- take a shower
3 -- read textbook
4 -- take a nap
5 -- read bedtime story
6 -- take out the trash
Remove a task:
❯ todo remove 2
Successfully deleted task #2 (take a shower)
Edit a task:
❯ todo edit 3 "take a very short nap"
Successfully edited task 3
Search for a task with keywords:
❯ todo search "read"
Found 3 matches
1 -- read emails
2 -- read textbook
4 -- read bedtime story
Remove all tasks with a keyword:
❯ todo remove "read"
Successfully deleted task #1 (read emails)
Successfully deleted task #2 (read textbook)
Successfully deleted task #4 (read bedtime story)
Remove all tasks:
❯ todo purge
You have successfully purged all tasks (removed 6).