Integration Example to Show How to Render New Relic Insights data within third-party apps
The IntegratorTon is in essence a very simple Node.js microservice that returns data polled from New Relic Insights API.
The UI is a simple static HTML page that uses Chartist.js as a chart engine. Using jQuery, the browser calls the Node.js service for New Relic Insights Data.
Setup is extremelly simple.
npm install
Configure the default.json file under config folder with your account information and API keys
"MasterAccount": {
"accountId": "XXXXXX",
"restKey": "XXXXXXXX",
"adminKey": "XXXXXXXX",
"insightsQueryKey": "XXXXXXXX"
- npm run start
And that's it, the app listens to port 3000, so you can see the page on http://localhost:3000. The NRQL queries are currently defined on the controller file (api/controllers/integrationController.js), feel free to change the queries accordingly.