ViperListExample is a small and simple application showing basics of VIPER architecture with dependency injection and reactive programming. Cool article in russian about this stuff is here. The app contains two modules:
- List module loading and showing a collection of thumbnails
- Details module showing a full-size image
The app is based on an example shown here.
This app uses the following frameworks:
- Carbon
- Glide
- ButterKnife
- Dagger 2
- Retrofit
- Gson as a converter for Retrofit
- RxJava
- RxAndroid
- Retrolambda
- Material-Dialogs (This feature is coming soon!)
The app can be built for Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and higher using Android Studio.
Feel free to use this project as a guide for architecturing apps with VIPER using powerful design patterns and techniques. If you have found a bug or think that something's wrong, please start a new issue or contact us at [email protected].
This project is owned and maintained by Aspirity, Ltd.
This projectis released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.