Check availability of websites
- In-memory user added
- User name : admin. Password: admin
- User can log in and access the application
- http://localhost:5001/app/dashboard
- Endpoints can be added : src/main/resources/endpoints.yaml
- Periodic call configuration : ,
- Reads a list of web pages (HTTP URLs) and corresponding page content requirements from a configuration file.
- Implemented : Yes
- Periodically makes an HTTP request to each page.
- Implemented : Yes
- Verifies that the page content received from the server matches the content requirements.
- Implemented : Yes
- Measures the time it took for the web server to complete the whole request.
- Implemented : Yes
- Writes a log file that shows the progress of the periodic checks.
- Implemented : Yes
- (OPTIONAL) Implement a single-page HTTP server interface in the same process that shows (HTML) each monitored web site and their current (last check) status.
- Implemented : Yes
- Structure your code : Yes
- Use best practises : Yes
- Use naming conventions : yes
- Show understanding of software development concepts : yes
- Monitoring matrix : monitoring_matrix.csv
- Visual representation of monitoring report in dashboard
- Language: Java 11
- Framework for backend and rest endpoint : Spring Boot
- Framework for DAO : Not used in this case, can be used Spring Data JPA
- jsoup used for DOM parsing.
- Lomobk used to reduce code footprint
- log4j/slf4j added for logging
- Build Environment:Maven
- Server: Inbuilt Tomcat
- Front End : Thymeleaf as Template Engine,BottStrap for styling
Improvement scope is there, however those are out the assignment scope.
Before running this application you should have to confirm following:
- JDK 11 installed.
java --version
- maven installed.
mvn --version
- Migration script (*.sql) : Not required
Then run the following command on terminal:
- Application will start on 5001 port. (http://localhost:5001/app)
git clone [change as you needed] cd availability-reporter mvn spring-boot:run
##Desing Consideration :
##Other design consideration
AWS cloudwatch could be another choice to gather the log through log-group and utilizing cloudwatch #Data collection policy consideration
In this application, its possibly required to check with data policy and other laws .