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Membership register backend API for Asteriski ry / Jäsenrekisterin backend API Asteriski ry:n tarpeisiin

Author: Maks Turtiainen

React frontend is here


  • Node.js
  • Passport.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB

Minimal API documentation.


First copy ecosystem.config.js-sample to ecosystem.config.js (and configure it if needed):

cp ecosystem.config.js-sample ecosystem.config.js

Install Docker and Docker-compose. Start Docker and run:

docker-compose up

After that backend is listening at http://localhost:3001

Or you can do things manually:

Manual install

Install node.js, npm and MongoDB.

Start MongoDB with systemctl start mongodb or mongod.

cp ecosystem.config.js-sample ecosystem.config.js
npm install
npm start

Configure ecosystem.config.js-file if needed.

Create default database entries with:

npm run create-defaults

This creates [email protected] -account with password password. It creates 3 default products too. In production delete this account after you create some real user account.

Alternatively you can make admin account manually with:

npm run create-user

Importing data

You can import CSV files with:

npm run import "<full-path-to-csv>" "<jasenrekisteri-token>" "<id>"

For example:

npm run import "/home/mjt/data.csv" "JWT 12345" "123"

You can get id and jasenrekisteri-token by logging in to jäsenrekisteri with admin account and checking cookies with developer tools (Application -> Cookies).

CSV data must be in this format:


Mail sending

You can send mail to all members with:

npm run mass-mailer -- -s <subject> -e <path to file that contains email body>

Payment integration

Membership registry has payment integration with Checkout Finland provided by finnish bank Osuuspankki.

You can create new products with:

npm run create-product


Every night backend exports list of members with access rights to our office to be available to university facilities managment.

© Maks Turtiainen, Asteriski ry