Dumps and colorizes Jenkins RSS feeds.
usage: good_feeder [-h] [-a AUTH] [-L] [--insecure] [--html] [-S SEP] [-l] [-f] [-s [SEARCH]] [-n] [-V] [jenkins_url]
good_feeder v{vesion_here}
positional arguments:
jenkins_url URL to server, folder, or job
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a AUTH, --auth AUTH Format: "username:token" (or omit "-a" and use JENKINS_AUTH environment variable)
-L, --localtime Convert server UTC timestamp to local time
--insecure Disable SSL certificate verification
--html Output as html (i.e. email)
-S SEP, --sep SEP default string: '»', max length: 2
-l, --latest Show only latest builds
-f, --failed Show only failed builds
-s [SEARCH], --search [SEARCH]
Filter output on sub-string (case-sensitive)
-n, --negate Negate search filter
-V, --version Show version
# Anonymous query
good_feeder https://my_jenkins_host
# Authenticated query (via argument)
good_feeder -a "myUser:myPassword" https://my_jenkins_host
# Authenticated query (via environment)
good_feeder https://my_jenkins_host