a utility that takes an ADR-036 signed document containing an auth token, decodes and verifies it, returning the inner token if it is valid
cw-auth-js is a complementary javascript library with functions allowing users to sign tokens with Keplr and agents validate the tokens and send them in the correct format.
the authorize
function takes a message with a signed and encoded auth token, validates
the authorization (including that the correct user has signed the token, specifying the
address of the message sender as their agent), and returns the message along with its
unwrapped auth token.
pub fn authorize<M, A: DeserializeOwned>(
message: MsgWithAuth<M>,
info: &MessageInfo,
env: &Env
) -> Result<Authorized<A, M>, AuthError>
you can use this in your contract's execute
function to validate and parse the authorized
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn execute(
deps: DepsMut,
env: Env,
info: MessageInfo,
msg: ExecuteMsg,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
match msg {
ExecuteMsg::Post(msg) => post(deps, authorize(msg, &info, &env)?),
which will then be available to you as an AuthMsg
to use as you wish.
pub fn post(mut deps: DepsMut, msg: AuthMsg<PostMsg>) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
let user_addr = msg.auth_token.user;
let username = msg.auth_token.meta.username;
let content = msg.message.content;
pub struct AuthToken<T> {
pub user: Addr,
pub agent: Addr,
pub expires: u64,
pub meta: T,
the auth token includes the addresses of the user and the agent (who may be allowed to take actions on behalf of the user) as well as an expiration timestamp (in seconds) and a meta object containing whatever other properties you'd like to embed.
the Authorization
object has a document
, a base-64 encoded serialized
sign doc with an auth token (as JSON) as its data, along with the (Secp256k1) signature and
pubkey of the signer.
pub struct Authorization {
pub document: String,
pub signature: String,
pub pubkey: String,
this can then be combined with any message to create a MsgWithAuth
pub struct MsgWithAuth<T> {
pub authorization: Authorization,
pub message: T,