A command-line application in Java that allows the user to manipulate text files with number content.
The application requests at start that the user provides a valid path to a .txt
After the file is opened and parsed, the following commands are supported:
help - Prints this message
insertnum <line_index> <line_number_index> <new integer to set> - Insert a number at a specific position
swaplines <first_line_index> <second_line_index> - Swap two lines
swapnums <first_line_index> <first_line_number_index> <second_line_index> <second_line_number_index> - Swap two numbers at specified positions
readnum <line_index> <line_number_index> - Read a number at a specified position
modifynum <line_index> <line_number_index> <new integer to be set> - Modify a number at a specified position and set a new value
removenum <line_index> <line_number_index> - Remove a number at a specified position
* PAY ATTENTION: The first number in the first row has <line_index> = 1 and <line_number_index> = 1
validate - Validate the current content
print - Print the current content
save - Save the performed changes in the file
quit - Exit the application
<clone the source code>
cd FileProcessingApp
# Build application
mvn clean package
# Run
java -classpath target/FileProcessingApp-<version, e.g. 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT>.jar:<path to guava>/guava-18.0.jar com.atanasg.fileprocessingapp.FileProcessingAppLauncher
A log showing an example interaction with the appliaction can be found in the EXAMPLE_CONSOLE_LOG
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Check out the license text inside the LICENSE
Generate the project site in order to see all direct and transitive dependencies incl. their licenses.
# Build project site and reports
mvn clean site
# Go to the location of the generated html site
cd target/site/
Generate the project site (see above) to find the reports from Cobertura, FindBugs and PMD.