Drift is a Gist-backed text editor written in MacRuby. Depending on how you look at it, it either lets you edit your gists, or gives you an always-already versioned, cloud-backed text-editor. Here's a screenshot:
- Create and upload new gists
- Edit and update existing gists (created with Drift)
- Store github credentials
- Display activity when going over the wire to GitHub
- Copy gist url into clipboard on creation
Do you have slick Mac app logo-creating ability? Now accepting submissions: greg DOT borenstein AT gmail DOT com
Man, these icons are fugly. Help! greg DOT borenstein AT gmail DOT com
import all gists belonging to the user (if we have gh info)
get name of newly imported gists
save imported gists to library
get gist list to scroll
deal with save prompt on quit for unsaved docs
rename GEDocument's associated_library to something that indicates it's a tableView and not a library; like maybe "associatedTableView"
unifying networking code to remove duplication from GEDocument#putGist and GEDocument#postGist
error handling on talking to GH
make creating a new document not open a new window
figure out why GEGistListDelegate doesn't have access to associatedDocument in numberOfRowsInTableView
button to remove gist from tracked gists
button to delete gists
all these buttons should also be menu items/hot keys
clean up some of the logging
automatic updating of gist on a timed basis